Yes, Frankie.. our "Buck" got a new a new house - or igloo? He actually got his own new private pen - under some trees. We think it is nice, but he doesn't like not have a girl friend in there with him. Patience Frankie... at times we will bring you friends to "visit", and he is next door to all of the girls and kids so he isn't alone, they share a fence :0). But in moving him, we decided that he need a private man cave... LOL So we got him an Igloo Dog house! Time is short for us right now, and really this thing is perfect for him! When we first put it in - he first stood against it to check its strength.. then he bit into a few places to check again.. now he just loves it :0) You find him in it all the time -
I headed out to the youth pen to take some photos this week... all of my 6 month - 3 years old "babies". I see all of these children out here and it just makes me so happy... all of these babies were born here :0) And today.. I was laughing at Pavo -
Some of the donkeys like to climb to the top of the bales of hay.. well at least when they are fallen over and smaller they climb. Pavo is a more reserved donkey - he is careful in all of his moves, but today... he was trying hard to be the King of the mountain... but this was as far as he made it... just too scary up at the top I think.
Irene on the other hand she is ALWAYS at the top of the bale. I really need to try and capture a photo of her being the Queen of the Mountain, but it is tough.. as soon as she sees me walking out to their pen she jumps down and comes to the fence... You know the Queen always gets the first bit of attention..... :0)
I have really been trying to get a photo to show how big our baby Autie is. But I just have not gotten them to sit still together. Today he was following her out into the yard, and I snapped from the side. You can see he is just a bit bigger than she is. Libbie is right at 10 lbs, and 10 inches tall... Autie is probably 11-12 inches and at least 11-12 lbs.... he is definitely heavier than she is... especially at 2 am when he jumps in the middle of your back or stomach...
Autie found a broken limb out in the yard... I yelled out to him to leave it alone and not chew on it.... and before I could get out there to him...
Crunch Crunch.... that boy eats everything......
By the time I cleaned up the limbs and got Autie under control, I wondered where Libbie was... "Here I am Mom... I found shade under the BBQ pit!" She doesn't like the heat or sun.
Now I have to tell you I have the best Hubby in the world - he built me a fabulous craft room, he takes care of all our babies so wonderfully, saves us from all kinds of snakes and scary bugs well... I could go on and on how wonderful he is... except... when it comes to these bugs...
This is a walking stick, they don't really hurt you, it is over 8 inches long, but harmless. Oh they will bite I guess, but they are so slow... and don't bother you if you leave them alone. Well Hubby HATES these... He FREAKS over them!! It really makes me giggle... my Superman and walking sticks are his enemy!! LOL He is gonna hate this photo!!!
Hope you enjoyed! Have a great Weekend!