
Saturday, November 2, 2024

Animal Crackers - Chica here...

Howdy - 

Ok So I missed last week.... and this week I have Chica here.... 

Hoping this sweet little face makes you smile. And forgive me. This week ain't much better. It's been a rough week and well just can't get things all done. 

Prayers for my Mom please. She has been pretty sick and in the hospital all week. Getting her home this weekend, and hopefully healthier! 

Also this week AC went out AGAIN... have a plan LMNOP for that but had to do without for a few days. But happy to report that is all better now and at this point should not be an issue any further! Please no more issues with that! 

So we are hoping and praying that things will start looking a bit more like normal. Ferrari and McLarren will be very please with that! All though the day the windows were up that tiny bit while "Dad" was working on things was a very interesting day around here! LOL

 So many smells and louder noises! 

So forgive the very short post this week. But hey I got one on this week! But off to see Mom! 

Have a blessed weekend - HUGS


  1. Sorry to hear about your mom. Sending positive thoughts

  2. Prayers for your mom! Hopefully she will feel better soon. Lori K

  3. Sorry to hear about your week. Hope Mom is well on the mend now.

  4. Hope your mother improves quickly once she is home. Have a much less stressful week all around. Prayers said.

  5. Hope your Mum is soon home and things get better for you.
