
Sunday, March 15, 2009

BLOG HOP with Greeting Farm!

It is Blog Hop time!!!! and my second post this morning! he he
I have never been a part of a "HOP" so this is all really exciting for me!
SO here is your clue ....

So make your way to the CLUB ANYA BLOG and TURN back around to Jacquie's blog if you're just getting started to pick up all 6 clues!

Club Anya March Blog Hop Official Rules:

If you are just starting out on my blog, be sure to back up to the Jacquie's blog, to officially start the hop and collect your clues along the way. The clues lie somewhere within your instructions on where to go next for this blog hop ;)

Once you are done "hopping" you should have 6 clues in total. You will then have until 11:59AM CST to email Jessica at with all 6 clues and your guess as to what the new "Mystery" Anya is. Entries will not be accepted after 11:59 CST, as the new Anya will be revealed at Noon CST on the Club Anya Blog.

Three randomly chosen winners will be announced on the Club Anya blog on Sunday along with the winner of the sketch challenge.

Good Luck and get hoppin!


  1. She is adorable! I can see her flying off the shelves today!! ;)

  2. I can't wait see this card in full!! I know who she is... I am ----- Mom!

  3. I am going to want this so much!! Can't wait to see them all in full!
    ps- the Mother's Day Card is really precious!!

  4. What a fun blog hop. I think I might just see a tutu.

  5. Awesome clues!!! I love the new Anya!!

  6. oh - i see sparkle! gotta love that!! looking forward to the full card!

  7. I knew from the moment I saw your image what the new Anya is going to be. But I saved my guess for the end of the hop! Too much fun!
    Can't wait to see the rest of your card!

  8. aha! seeing as I'm working backwards catching up with my blogging I've already seen the sparkling beauty! hugs, annie x

  9. Gorgeous card and such a pretty stamp!

  10. Ohhh this is a good sneak!! You did an amazing job!

