
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Counting our Blessings -

Yesterday has got to be one of the scariest days I have had in many years. There was a grass fire in our area - and the winds were blowing 20-30mph. Towards our house. A very good friends property was hit pretty good, and I really believe God put his hand over her house, because the flames went all the way around it as close as just a few feet. For nearly 5 hours we gathered animals, livestock and sprayed water. The Firemen, who by the way in our area are all Volunteers and deserve so much, worked until late in the night making sure nothing sparked back up. It got really close to our property, too close. We kept going back and forth from helping with the fire, back to our property to check and see how close it was to us. Thank God it was stopped on the field just in front of our fence line. The winds were coming right at us. At last we heard, many many acres were burned, 5 houses, numerous barns and sheds, and some livestock lost. It was amazing to see everyone, neighbors from the entire area walking horses from danger, loading dogs and cats of people they barely knew into their cars and fighting fire for people they had just nodded at forever. I am sure this morning there will be many out taking count of their blessings that no one was hurt or worse. I know I am -

Funny I was in the process of loading my card to the Magnolia vs. Stampavie challenge when I smelled the smoke. And for some reason on one of my trips to check the house... I made sure it loaded and that it went through - funny the things we do when our brain isn't working... my card was important at the time. Ha...

Well it did make it in time - the challenge this week is Lace and Pearls -

For the base I used a cream colored Bazzil card stock - it is one of those bling card stock so it has a shine to it. The pattern papers.. how gorgeous are they? They are new to me, I got a new K&Company stack by Brenda Walton - these papers are so pretty. They remind me of my Grandma...
I sewed down each layer with a zig zag stitch, then very slowly sewed down the lace with a straight stitch. The lace is a really gorgeous color in person - was lucky enough to buy a few different colors of this more expensive lace at a 50% sale at JoAnn's a while back.
Of course my image is colored with my Copics, and then the bubbles are stickled. I just love this Stampavie Leere Alrich image... she is just too much fun to color - and you have to love all them bubbles with the puppy popping out!
For my "Pearls" I used vintage Pearl Buttons from my Grandma's button box. These are really pretty - I tied them with a sheer ribbon.
The sentiment is from RubberStamp Tapestry - and seemed to fit a lady relaxing in a tub with her pooch - I used my Fiskar's Squeeze Punch to cut it out and inked the edges. Here you can also see the stitching, and the lace a bit.
The other DT really did a wonderful job this week, each card is just lovely! Make sure to stop by and check them out and see what prize is up for grabs this week.
And don't forget I started my Blog candy...
Me right now we are going to feed the donkeys check to make sure no one has any problems from the smoke - then meet up with our neighbors for breakfast.......... and count our blessings -
HUGS and-


  1. I'm happy that the fire didn't come any closer! That must have been a very frightening experience!

    Love your card!

  2. I'm so glad you and your animals are safe! God bless the firefighters!

    Your card is really cute :)

  3. what a relief for you that the fire stopped where it did and your darling donkeys are safe, but so sad for those who have lost their homes. Your card is so pretty, I love that lace and your grandma's pearl buttons - maybe I can have a rummage in my Nan's box as I'm sure there are some pearl buttons in there too! take care, hugs, annie x

  4. Oh my Michelle! I think its amazing how people always seem to pull together when great tragedy or acts of god strike, you see the best of people then I feel, and makes us all not so cynical. I am so glad all was ok with your house and land. I love your card, the image is so funny and the papers are gorgeous. Hugs DawnM.x

  5. What a luck that the fire stopped and you, your husband, your animals and your house are good. How horrible with all the fire. It's my darkest nightmare!! I'm sending hugs hugs hugs to you my friend!!

    Your card is precious as always ;)

  6. I am so glad your OK (and all the critters)! Wow - that had to be scary.

    LOVE - LOVE - Love the card!

  7. oh my goodness, that must've been very scary !! Am so happy that you and all your animals are ll ok. I hope all your neighbours and their animals are all OK too

    Even with all that going on you still managed to upload a card !!I can see why it was sooo important tho :-) It is a fabby card :-)

  8. Oh my! How scary! So glad you are okay. Love the card...the colors are so pretty!

  9. A while back i was a member of a horse club and we had a similar fire. We were actually having our end of year party at a swim club when we got the call. People were packed and headed home in a flash. My home wasn't close to the fire but several of our members were. We worked long and hard getting animals removed from the area. I remember the FEAR and the ADRENALIN. So i know how you must have felt. I am so glad your family was safe. I am so glad all your animals were safe. God has blessed you and kept you safe.

  10. Oh michelle how scary I am so please you and yours are all OK but I am sure you will have some sort of shock set in when you realize what a lucky escape you all had.
    Great card by the way and well done for remembering to load it I am sure I wouldn't have!! Sue :o)

  11. Fab card, love the image and the papers used. Glad to hear you & yours were safe from the fire, must have been pretty scary.
    Lyndsey xx

  12. I have also left an award for you on my blog. Sue :o)

  13. Michelle, thank goodness you are ALL safe. I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been. Firefighters are incredibly brave people.
    This is a gorgeous card, I love the lace.

  14. How very scary! Glad to hear that everyone (animals included) are all safe and sound on your place tho I feel for those that lost things to the fire. Thank goodness for those who volunteer to help fight fires.

  15. I wanted to tell you that I just awarded you with the Kreativ Blogger award! Come and pick it up! :-)

  16. OMG Michelle - this card is stunning. I just love everything about it and the and wow again. Its perfect

    Hugs and love

  17. Oh my thank goodness you and your family are safe.
    Gorgeous card too.

  18. Michelle thank the good Lord that youi were spared, that would have been horrible.

  19. Love the colours you used! Fab CArd

  20. glad you and animals were unharmed.what a gorgeous card.x

  21. Oh I am so glad to read that you and your family are safe. Must have been so frightening, Your card is just gorgeous as always and love the pretty lace and fun image, Big Hugs, Nikki x

  22. Oh my goodness, how scary Michelle! So glad you are all safe and well. Hope you've got over the shock of it all and get to unwind a little and play! Fab card by the way too - well worth making sure it loaded ;)!!!! Hugs, Fran x
