
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Spoon full of Halloween?

Hello - It is Tuesday and that means it is a Spoon Full of Sugar day! And this weeks challenge is a sketch by the very talented DT Member Sonja... great Sketch and very different for me - loved it.

My card was a chance to pull out one of the new ALOTA Rubber Stamps Halloween stamps - love how cute this one is... "Pumpkin Treat House" Cute huh? I colored with my copics as usual :0)

For the card I followed the sketch ... starting with a piece of Core'dinatons card stock that I sanded slightly. Then found four pattern papers from the DCWV Fall stack and scattered them on the page as per the sketch - LOL it was so hard to place them for me... I guess I just kept trying to keep them square and even... some times random isn't very easy for me.
I then matted the image with the same card stock and stamped out the sentiment Happy Halloween also from Alota and then tore the edges of the paper... great to do with the Core'dinations, I just forget how cool it looks. The edges of the card and image were doodled with a glaze pen. Then for fun... instead of flowers as per the sketch.. I used two spider buttons... and what would spiders be without some "webbing" so I used twine and wrapped around the card in a few places.. ok so a spider would have been more artistic about it and it would have been perfect... but me.. LOL...

Hope you like my Halloween card. You know I have never been a Halloween card person... but there are so many cute images (just wait until you see what is coming from Alota Rubber stamps... I can't wait!!!)

Better get busy... lots I would love to get done today.. long list thinking maybe I can get 1/2 of it done.. :0) the other 1/2 of the day will be out with Sergio and the other two babies! Such time wasters... and so worth it. Sergio is doing great!

HUGS and-


  1. How cute! And I just got this stamp, too. Now I can try coloring mine since yours looks so nice done with the copics. Aren't the "bug" stamps great? I think they are the cutest little guys.
    I am so glad that the "babies" are doing well. You might as well resign yourself. I do NOT think little Sergio is ever leaving home! LOL!

  2. I love your card Michelle it's so darn cute.


  3. Fab card Michelle,What a fab stamp from Alota,love those bugs!!!!
    Ans it,s great to hear Sergio and the other Babies are doing well.Keep up the good work.
    Trish (-:

  4. Hi Michelle,
    What a great card. The characters look like something from the original Felix cartoons - there're so adorable. The spiders are a good touch and the webbing certainly works for me.
    Glad Sergio goes from strength to strength.
    Fiona x

  5. love the bright colours and fun image on this card Michelle. And those cute spider buttons are great! good to hear that Sergio is doing so well - hope you are managing to get some sleep between feeds.
    hugs, annie x

  6. So cute Michelle and what a fab new stamp. Love your colouring and spider buttons, Hugs, Nikki x

  7. Love the card and glad to hear Sergio is doing so well.
    Texas Cropper

  8. What a beautiful card Michelle,i love the image and colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x
