
Saturday, October 24, 2009

A few Quick Donkey Day photos -

Hello and Happy Saturday - today I just have few quick photos I took the other day - I got home to late last night to take any others - and this morning Hubby put new hay bales in to feed - so all I would have gotten today was rear end views around the hay eating! LOL

First here is Gloria - grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Also... you can see how long her hair fur is getting... I think it is going to be cold this winter! She is such a pretty dark brown girl!

Then Josie.. our tiniest little girl. Almost full grown and still 1/3 smaller than the rest of the youth her age. And sweet... OH if only you could hear her sweet little Hee Haw.. just melts my heart it is so high pitched and tiny sounding!
Then Ellie Mae - She is one of our first donkeys. The one that we have waited over 4 years for her to get pregnant. We still don't know if she is this year - some days we just think she is she has a "look" about her.. then other she doesn't - time will tell. And speaking of Hee Haws.. if I could tape one for you to hear this would be it - she is a screamer - seriously - sounds like a little girl screaming at the top of her lungs - no Heeing and Hawing - just a LOUD long scream! LOL Oh and the look of concentration... the neighbors dog was out side. And you have to keep a close eye on all dogs you know!

Patti - I call her "Patti Belle" .. Hubby calls her "Pitter Pat" they all have nick names, but Patti's we can't agree on! LOL She was grazing and I called her name, yes they know their names.. well when they want to know their names. Like children and Husbands - they only hear when they want to hear. I love the sun setting and the light on them. In the back ground you can see Diego and Lacey scratching each others backs. :0)
Now there isn't a Libbie photo this week - we had a bit of a messy dog this morning and she had to have a very early bath.... But you are just going to have to come back next Saturday!!!! I have something really special planned for Libbie's photo next week - YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS IT!!!!! ;0)

Hugs and have a wonderful weekend! Me... a little laundry, a little cleaning and sorting through my piles of stuff to start putting it into the craft room... It was suppose to be done by this weekend, but with Hubby being sick most of the week we are just a couple of days behind and today he had to work! Darn it! So hopefully this coming week he can get a few more days off and it will be all done!

Hugs again!


  1. Thanks for sharing!!! Fantastic photos! I don't see how you ever leave your back yard!

  2. Wow Michelle, i love your donkeys.

    big hugs hannahxx

  3. Gorgeous pics Michelle, but I'll miss Donkey/Libby day next week, so I'll have to catch up the following week. :(

  4. Oh my fab Donkey Day photos once again i sure do love seeing them and they all look so well.Sorry to hear hubbies been poorly how dare he you having to wait for your craftroom LOL.I will look forward to next sats photos and your special Libbie ones??????
    Have a great sunday
    Trish (-:

  5. I love your pictures and especially wish I could hear Josie's hee haw! She looks so adorable.

  6. Hi Michelle,I have missed seeing donkey day for a few weeks life's been a little hectic sorry.
    Your piccies are fab and they are all so sweet but i'm missing Libbie too must drop by next week to have a peek:)
    Hugzz Val xxx

  7. Hi Michelle, great pics, donkey Saturday always makes me smile. Looking forward to seeing what you've got planned for Libbie next week. Hugs Dawn Marie.xx

  8. I love your donkeys and the photos!

    I have a week off, was off work yesterday but didn't get a lot done. Today we were looking at cars to change mine, it is getting old but I love it so not sure I can do it yet!

    Cazzy x

  9. Happy Saturday!! Hope it is a great day for you and all your furry critters!!

  10. Oh Michelle, they are all adorable as ever and they all look such characters, really missed Libbie this week too!! Thanks for sharing them with us. Jo x

  11. They are so adorable - great close ups!
    Bet you're excited about your new room, will you be posting photos!!!

    Can't wait to see what you have in store for Libbie!!


  12. Hi Michelle! I'm late catching up with you, we've had a bit of a stressful weekend here. love the donkey pics, especially furry Gloria!
    hugs, annie x

  13. ok.. what such cute pics!! and I have to say you blog title made me giggle!! or was it a donkey smile?

