
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And my CHA Adventure Begins Today!!

I leave for the airport in just a little bit, I think... I hiope I have everything.  You have to understand, I do not go anywhere - in 8 years I have been away from home over night just two nights to attend a Fiskars training. This "home body" has way to many furry children :0)

But here I go for 10 days from Texas to California. I am excited, nervous, and ready for this adventure, but I will admit, there is a part of me that is just crushed that I have to leave all my animals, and Hubby... (yes I realize I said the animals first then Hubby.. LOL) You know in 25 years this will be the longest we have been a part. He knows I am going to miss him like CRAZY!

I know I will have TONS of fun, With Heidi and Stuart, my bosses... and dear friends. And then getting to meet in real life my dear Internet blogging friend, fellow DT member and my Roomie for the next 10 days Jay Jay.

Before I go I do need to share some very sad news. Maggi did not make it, I didn't blog about her getting so weak. She was born ok,  but from there she just got weaker and weaker. I spent over half of the day at the Vets trying to save her. But she was just too small and weak. We think she may have been premature - and/or had something wrong internally. So we said goodbye to our first little "kid". And I cried most of the day....

Now here I go .... aaahhh I am getting on an airplane!!!  :0)    Join me on my adventure each day...

HUGS and


  1. Thats very sad news Michelle! Can imagine your sorrow.
    Good luck at the CHA (and have fun!). Yvonne

  2. So sorry to hear the sad news about poor Maggi- she looked such a sweetie. Hope it doesn't put a dampener on your trip.
    Teresa xx

  3. So sorry to hear about your poor baby. :(
    Try to have fun and enjoy your days away.

  4. Sorry to hear about little Maggie.
    Have a great time at CHA...I'll sure be watching for updates!!...Hugs, Ila

  5. So sorry to hear about Maggi, she was such a sweetie.

    Hope your trip goes O.K.

    Cazzy x
