
Monday, February 1, 2010

New Sarah Kays on my little Wooden Box!

Now that CHA is over, I have some items I made for the show that I will be showing you! This is one of my favorites.. I have no idea what it can be used for.. but I like how it came out and it matches my craft room :0)

I found this wooden box on sale at Hobby Lobby a while back - painted it white and then went to work on 4 new Stampavie Sarah Kay images to decorate it -
The first is "Bernadette Admiring the Spring Flowers" Oh my each of these new Sarah Kays from Stampavie are just beautiful as the next - I love each of them!

 This little girl with the large hat over her eyes is "Olivia with her kittens Kiki and Sugar" I think the hair styles and the large hats are my favorite things about Sarah Kay's... well maybe all the flowers... or the sweet animals... or those fabulous clothes... heck just love them!

"Lynette collecting her Vegetables" is a wonderful image as well... I can see lots of ideas with her in the future! 

And this collection has some boys in it!! Meet "Andre Carrying Watermelon" ... just too sweet especially with that puppy following him!

So my Box was painted white and sanded - I colored up my four Sarah Kay images with my Copics and then tore them out for a rough vintage feel. I then tore one sheet of Tilda rose pattern paper a wonderfully sweet friend sent me :0) Need to find more of these European papers they are just too yummy! Then I used my Slice and cut out for words "Cutie" - "Fresh" - "Darling" and "Beauty" from a dark pink card stock - I stuck everything down with Modge Podge and then put three thin layers of Modge Podge over the entire box. And then I just felt it needed a few roses... so out came some Mulberry Paper Roses to frill up the ends of the box.

What am I going to use the box for? I have no idea... ink pads fit in it well... maybe pens or markers? Heck it just may sit up on my shelf... or end up a gift? But it was sure fun to make!!

I think I am going to start looking at more wooden items to "decorate" now!

HUGS and hope the weather is nice where you are... cloudy - cold and drizzling here.. yuck! Where has the sun gone?


  1. Oh Michelle this is very very cute!!!! I love all of my wooden stuff with images on.

    Hope your drizzling stops soon.
    Have a great day...Hugs, Janiel

  2. Yep! need all those stamps!!! Wow Michelle your creation is absolutely stunning! I love the colours and all the details! I'd use it as a desk tidy! hugs, Jane xx

  3. This is so lovely!! Personally, I could use it in my daughter's room to hold hair bands and headbands!! It could go in my craft room to hold my foam piercing mat and stencil, foam adhesive, and twine that sits in a little box on my desk. It could be used in my kitchen to sort mail. It could sit on my "shipping station" table for my store to hold shipping labels, scissors, and "thank you notes" that I add to orders!! I have no idea what you are going to use it for, but I have a few ideas for myself!! I love these new Sarah Kay images and can't wait to play with them!! I have a pre-order on my store right now, so I will be placing an order soon.

  4. It's lovely Michelle and the images are gorgeous, especially the little girl with the vegetables. And I adore your cute little goats too, makes you want to cuddle them all!! Hugs Jo x

  5. What a lovely project! Cute stamps, I feel a "need those" feeling coming... :)

  6. ooo what a pretty box Michelle - far too nice for storing the unpaid bills! I'm loving the new SK images and have got 4 on pre order (+ another 8 from Stampavie!!!)
    hugs, annie x

  7. Ohhh wowww Michelle,what beautiful.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  8. congratulations , it 's a very cute box, =),
    enjoy your day

  9. What a beautiful box, I love it!
    Hugs, Christine

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  12. You could just use it to store chocolate bars for those much needed energy boosts we all need from time to time.LOL
    The box is seriously gorgeous tho'.
    I love your blog and call by from the UK everyday.
    Janina x

  13. Woww Im loving it Michelle

    Hugs Marga

  14. One person above stated it would be perfect for holding chocolate bars. That sounds like a great idea. This is so darn cute, Michelle.
