
Monday, February 8, 2010

A Whimsy Spoon Full of Sugar!!

Tuesdays are Spoon Full of Sugar day! Wow .. it is nice to be getting back to a schedule. And this week at spoon I was lucky to get to pick our Guest DT... my choice was a fellow DT member from Stampavie and Just Magnolias, and someone I just adore! Bev Rochester!!! I know... we all adore BEV! :0)  And also this week we are sponsored by Whimsy  - and I got a chance to work with Snickerdoodle called Marty and Max! Are they a fun or what? Now for a little challenge we have a Recipe to follow... One Pattern Paper - One Embossed item - One Ribbon and One Button. Simple right? LOL funny I came up with the recipe.. thought it sounded pretty simple... then sat and stared at my card wondering if I was ok...

I colored up my image with my Copics and then cut it out. I found a pattern paper with snow flakes, seemed to be a good match with the sledding "boys" - I went through all of my embossing folders, first I thought a snow flake embossing.. but it was just too much with the pattern paper flakes, so I went with a wind look.. you know like weeee   we are sledding down this hill really fast.. LOL

So I used a coredination card stock and then sanded it to show off the embossing even more. Now I wanted to see some snow on my card - - so I used white puff paint and made a sort of hill for the guys to go down. One piece of ribbon.. and one button as per the recipe. Then I found an epoxy sticker that just seemed so right for this image!

Now please pop over to A Spoon Full of Sugar and see all the wonderful Whimsy images! Then join our fun with the recipe and you may win some Whimsy for yourself!

HUGS and -


  1. Really cute. thanks for sharing.

  2. What a beautiful card Michelle,i love your image and papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  3. such a fun card Michelle! love the dark blue embossed swirly bit.
    hugs, annie x

  4. looks quite a great post, it's having good information for research analysis. great job
