
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dust It Off Sunday - Dusted off some of my old stamps for new Homes

With all the special DT projects I have been working on this week I didn't have time again for my Dust If Off Sunday card... I was going to hurry through something and then decided it was time to dust off some of those old stamps I told you about. So instead of crafting, I have created a new page on my blog (tab at the top under the banner) for me to put stamps for sale.

These are a fraction of what I have to list... seriously... but it is a start and I will be able to see if anyone actually wants them. LOL I will remove them as soon as officially sold, and will sell to first emails in on each set.

The plan is to add to the page as often as I can and make some much needed room on my shelves - so there will be lots of new things there so pop back to it and see what is new from time to time.

I am getting a bit caught up now, so I should ..... should have my cards moving again!

HUGS and have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. WOW your prices are right. You should have no trouble selling them.
    Have fun Sunday, hugs...

  2. I think, it´s a great idea, as there´s a lot of stamps we all would like to havem, but ofcause we don´t want to make the same over and over again and the stamps are ofcause not used up because we don´t want them anymore.
    How about shipping to other countries, would that be a problem, or don´t you want to be bothered with that?
    Have a wonderful sunday and lots of fun.
