
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Me and My Space - My New Bookshelf for all my Paper!

Ok.. whine whine whine... I didn't get my craft room all pretty and clean for this weeks post. Sorry... tough week, and I am working on it, but it just didn't get finished. I so wanted to have it done, but life just had other plans this past week. Goats mainly... but at this moment all is good with all the fur children so back to my craft room.

Hubby bought me a new bookshelf from IKEA last week. I was so excited as I can finally have all my paper storage in one place. I had a wonderful antique library cabinet that I stored paper in and I do love it, but it just wasn't practical - so I moved that into our bedroom and will use it as a quilt storage (another collection of mine.. I have a ton of interest huh?) Anyway back to my new bookshelf. We put it together and finally got it into place. Then I went nuts sorting an putting everything in its proper place. I so love it!

Not an easy place in my room to get a photo let me tell you... it is the corner behind my craft desk.
 I am just so excited that it all fit! I had paper stored everywhere before this shelf. Now each shelf has its own purpose! The bottom is all my "loose" 12x12 pattern paper. Most of this is from my scrapbooking days, and one day when I have spare time I plan to sort through it and pass on a bunch of these. Going up the shelves, I then have my card stock, then 6x6 stacks, and then 8x8 stacks, then 12 x12 stacks... top shelf and top of the unit is my unmounted stamp storage now... well some of my unmounted stamp storage. :0)

The drawer cabinet sitting next to it, I don't think that will stay there. But until puppy daycare is done, and all cleaned up it has to stay here. No room to move it at this time.

Now I got one other thing at IKEA for my craft room... I have always wanted a board to hang my cards - ones just finished, favorites and ones that come to me from friends. I found this metal board at IKEA and it is dry erase board. Hubby hung it on my closet door for me behind my desk and I love it. Now... I have to remember to not let my chair stay back away from my desk and against the door... Gato, my cat, well she likes my new magnetic board too.... those clip magnets... you see they swivel - so when you swat at them it makes the cards really swing back and forth. And that is just way cool for a cat I guess :0 )

So back to sorting and putting things away I guess - I do have a pretty good stack going to charity. And more stamps and such to add to my For Sale page. I just need  - oh about 6 more hours a day to get it all done!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
HUGS and-


  1. So nice and neat. Wish mine looked like that. LOL Edna

  2. Your new cabinet looks great; wish I had mine already sorted out like that. The board is also great, unfortunately I do not have any space to put such a thing in my craft room (as I am on the attic and the standing walls all have cabinets to hide my (large amount of) stuff. Maybe this winter I will get more hours in a day to clean up (I am always wishing for that, but did not find a store that sells them). Hugs from Holland.

  3. love your new shelf! looks very organized!!!Your magnetic board is decorated very cute too! I love that top card with the girl holding the leash!!!Have a great day and thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Heidi Brawley

  4. looks awesome--I love seeing every ones craft rooms and ideas for storage!

  5. Oh my! Your paper looks so good. All neat and tidy!

  6. Great shelving for lots of paper. Okay, you win, you have way more than I do and DH gives me grief for having so much ( I am showing this to him!) LOL. Hugs...
