
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dust It Off Sunday - Scrapbooking Hubby's Family

I was having a look through a few of Hubby's family photos and suddenly this one stopped me... ok at first it was the fact that they were posing in front of donkeys! How funny is that - pulling over the car on a family trip to take the kids photos in front of donkeys! And.. now we, ok you know-  we raise donkeys! But then I focused in on Hubby's clothes - I know it was the early 1970's.... but ok.......he said when I showed him the finished Scrapbook page... Nice, You are not putting this on your blog right??? Uh well yea... this photo is too perfect... and well I kind of like the page too.... What do you think?
This is Hubby in his gold colored outfit with his sister and brother. Now you can see I chose the colors for my Scrapbook page straight from Hubby's fashionable clothing. So I started with Kraft card stock for the base, cream colored layer, and then a chocolate brown. Three pattern papers from My Mind's Eye Lost and Found. I simply cut them down, and scattered them on the 8x8 page. Zig Zag Stitched around them. I printed my photo as a 4x6 - and hand wrote notes about the photo around the edge. I then found an embellishment I have been saving for a while. Top of the drawer and I look at it all the time, saving it for something special, and this page is pretty special. This is a wood embellishment is from Kaiserkraft - I painted it white and then used Ranger crackle paint over it. Then inked over the entire thing with Distress Ink  - Love how it came out.

And the lace ... oh my yummy! I found some vintage Lace on Etsy... this was one of my favorites! Then went to find a little more from deep in my stash...

 I found some paper die cuts that seemed match perfectly, and then a package of Tim Holtz tags... Destiny... Get it? The donkeys? Ok.. I am a dork.. but I thought it was funny!

Ok.. now I must go through my family photos and find an old photo of me in one of my horrible outfits... watch out.. the 1980's were not friendly... LOL

So lets see I dusted off the photo.. dusted off a few different embellishments and now I'll have to go and find my family photos and dust them off and scrap a horrible photo of me to make up for laughing at this photo of my Hubby. Really is a great photo... just a really horrible gold outfit.

Have a great Sunday!
HUGS and -


  1. It's stunning!The colours are great but I don't think I would wear it. LoL Smashing LO.

  2. What a wonderful photo my friend, and WOW how beautiful you have created this. I love it - the colors are so nice together. GREAT job sunshine

    Hugs and love

  3. Oh Michelle!! That is stunning! The colors, the photo, just everything! Love it!

  4. No idea why, but when I saw the photo "Feeling Groovy" by Simon & Garfunkel came to mind!! Gorgeous page.

  5. Sweetie this is just gorgeous ♥ ♥ Pops x

  6. Texas Cropper said...

    I love it! Can't wait to see your 80's page!

  7. LOL, I so remember thse outfits. I bet Ihave some wild outfits from that era around in photos. too. Really though, he is pretty darn handsome even then ;) LOVE the picket fence. Have a fun and relaxing Sunday, hugs....

  8. Hi Michelle, what a great scrapbook page. I am from the same era and also have these kinds of photos (when I show my kids they roll of the couch laughing), but OK this was great at that time and I think you did a really great job here. And to Hubby, we are not laughing just smiling as it brings back memories to good old times. Hugs from Holland.
