
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Animal Crackers - Brrr...

Well it has been really chilly here this week. Well Chilly, Cold for Texas that is. We actually had a few nights below freezing. The donkeys and goats are all puffed up to stay warm. They are sooo cute when all puffed up.
 You can see here how Estella's fur is all puffed up. Estella is so adorable puffed or not puffed.

But I know this week have been waiting to see the newest member of Animal Crackers... This is Pedro... a dry Pedro. 

AWE.... I know you are just loving those bangs!!!  He is a gorgeous silver color. And honestly I haven't loved on him as much as I would have liked to this week. But it has been so cold and wet! BRRRR....
Here he is interested in what Mom is eating. Despite just a few days old he is already thinking of all types of food... just like Mom.

 Got a gorgeous photo of Cleatus this week too... This guy is totally hysterical!
I swear he looks like he is smiling! And those eyes are just gorgeous. Hubby keeps reminding me that he isn't staying. He will have to go as soon as he is weaned. Now if i have him "fixed" or "cut" then he can stay safely until we thin them out and go to auction again. And that would be a long long time from now :0)

Now to end today I thought it would be fun to end with a video - Cleatus kicking up his heals and then walking off into the Sunset with his Mom, Lillie... Have a great weekend!

HUGS and


  1. what a gorgeous pictures again of our furry friends. They are all so cute. Give them a big hug. Hugs from Holland.

  2. Sweet babies! Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh my, Estella & Pedro are gorgeous! Pedro looks adorable with his fringe (or, as you say, bangs). Thanks for the video, Cleatus is turning into areal dude. :) Have a great weekend, stay warm.

  4. Ahhh Pedro is a sturdy looking guy! Love that face.
    Cletus is Soooo Handsome. He would make some pretty babies if you do sell him as a stud. But then he does look to be a love and hard to part with.
    It is 8 degrees here thisa morning. Brrrr.
    Have a warm and wonderful weekend, hugs...

  5. Let's see...if I leave NY now, how long will it take me to get to your place so I can hug all those animals!! LOL. I wish I could. They are all so cute and Estella has the such beautiful markings.

  6. Oh Michelle is there any way you can keep Pedro. His legs are beautiful with those stripes. Have never seen any like this

    Enjoy and Hugs

  7. What gorgeous donkeys! Pedro is absolutely adorable with his silver coloring, bangs and leg stripes! So handsome!
