
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A special gift

Hope you had a wonderful holiday with family and friends - We had lots of family here yesterday for LOTS of food and visiting with the animals. We are all truly blessed. Today since I have no craft project to show off to you I thought I would share a present I received a couple of weeks ago. I have wanted to show this off since the moment I got it and well... my head was lost in the mad dash of Christmas - so I thought now that all is calm I would share this wonderful little joy that traveled across Texas to me. HUGE THANK YOU to Anna "Sweet Miss Daisy"

Totally gorgeous right? I had one of these a few years back... and a oops with a new kitten and it was gone. Anna thought of me when she saw this and sent it to me just cuz! Isn't she just the bestest? This beautiful piece of glass is a donkey pulling a cart.. right you can see that, but it is  vintage - probably I would guess 1940's. It came with candy in the cart and now are collected.

I have been an enormous fan of Annas for years, and so thrilled to now call her a friend. Love my Internet Friends! I just wish we could meet up in person.   You would think that since we are both from Texas Anna and I could do that easily right? But actually we are pretty far apart. Texas is a big place you know! One day we will get too - I know it. 

If you haven't been to her blog (which I doubt you haven't she is the really awesome) Make sure you visit her blog Sassy & Sweet Notes. She is super talented and her stuff will really inspire you to new levels. GORGEOUS! But she also lives on a farm... and that means lots of fabulous animal stories! She even has donkeys!!! :0)

Thank you Anna!!

HUGS and


  1. Really cute! Looks like depression glass. What a great gift!

  2. What a beautiful piece! I love Anna's blog too! Always amazing.

  3. I adore Anna, I am also blessed to call her a friend. We meet through her blog. OMG is that girl talented. I really hope to meet her in person someday, too. But the miles between IA and TX are many :( I love the dish she sent you. Big Hugs...

  4. Your little donkey in a cart is so cute! My brother received one as a child (can you imagine giving glass candy containers to a child now) and it always sat in the window until Christmas and then my mother will fill it up with candy.
    Thank you for the little trip down memory lane! :)

  5. Oh Michelle this is beautiful. I never seen a glass one but I do know that Goebel from Germany made one many years ago. Maybe we can find it on ebay? Look to see if this has any markings on the bottom or a small air hole, and I mean small tiny. Don;t really know if they have them on their glass items.


  6. This is so adorable and such a perfect gift for you!

  7. YAY!! What a fun post to come across tonight (uhhh, this morning, since it's now after 1am) as I'm catching up on my blog reading! I'm so glad you like it! I have your GORGEOUS thank you card on display in my kitchen window! :) Hope you had a grand Christmas, and rang in the new year with gusto! Cheers!! -Anna.
