
Sunday, June 17, 2012

I was chosen as the Spotlight! :0)

Hi -
I have no card today... sorry.  When I tell you why I didn't craft yesterday though... you might really laugh and give me a break...LOL

First though I want to thank Sweet Stampin Challenge Blog! I was chosen as the Spotlight this week! :0)  My old Goat card... they had a stitching challenge and I had lots of that! Ha.. I always do don't I? Love my sewing machine! They even gave me a blinkie - 

Thank you again Ladies! It was fun joining your challenge and I plan on playing much more :0) 

Now I just have to tell you what Hubby and I did yesterday, just so you can laugh... 

A friend invited us to a Storage Auction... Yep just like the tv shows... LOL  Was just for some entertainment. Something fun to "watch" live......... the rest of the day we spent going through two storage units. LOL Yep Hubby bought TWO of them! HA! 

Lots of stuff to go to the trash... but WOW we got some really awesome stuff to! Best piece. An Antique Secretary - gorgeous OAK, with original beveled mirror, and great old glass doors. A few of the other things we were happy to see. A Lane cedar chest. a huge wheel barrel, 6 nice lawn chairs, a air tank, a couple great vintage dresses, doilies, and the cutest appliquéd 1940's baby bed spread. Hmmmm what else, Oh two old plant stands, 2 fabulous cast iron standing lamps, a wire dog crate, perfect for little goats :0) , A few piece of old glass, Old bear stein, And...... a PEDAL CAR! Actually a fire truck! Not a really old one, but all metal and in great condition. Just missing the steering wheel, have to find one of those. A ton of clothes... that all went for donation. Except for the 8-10 pair of new Wranger jeans... those I pulled out for a friend as they were his size.  

Oh there is more I am sure, Did we "need" any of this stuff? NOPE... but it was sure a lot of fun going to the auction and joining in. Now it was 185 degrees while going through all that stuff... I better have lost some weight sweating that much... but it really was fun - 

Hubby is out side right now cleaning up the oak secretary and putting a coat of finish on it. Then we will move in into the house!  I'll get a photo of it then....  

Have a great Sunday - I'l get some crafting done this afternoon - 
HUGS and


  1. You always amaze me!

  2. Congratulations-I loved that card.Not laughing-I've done the same thing.But beware-it is addictive!

  3. How fun! I always wondered if there was ever anything in them. I can't wait to see your goodies. Take a picture of the other stuff too! I am impressed. But I bet you paid a pretty penny for it all.

  4. Wow, sounds like you ended up with some neat stuff. I just know I'd get tons of old newspapers, broken china and ratty old clothes! lol

  5. My goodness, men can't pass up a bargain anymore than women can! LOL
    Sound like you got a few good deals anyway.
    Congrats on the spotlight award.

  6. Congrats Michelle! That was well deserved. That's a fabulous card.

    Sounds like you had a fun adventure. :)

  7. I've never known anyone who "bought" an abandoned storage unit...sounds like fun and a lot of work.
