
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Whimsy Stamps Challenge - Anything Goes

Sorry I went MIA for a couple of days - Monday was just busy busy here on the farm, and then yesterday we ran into town after dropping Tuco off at the Vet. I was nearly in tears... my little boy, well he will not be a daddy. YEP we did it, and it is really is a good thing we decided to cuz he had a issue with things that could have been problems in the future for the little guy. Despite my whining over not wanting to fix him, the Doc said he was glad we decided to now and all issues are corrected and he is good. So yesterday was me all a mess over my baby Tuco. But he is home and all though moving a very slow he is good. Now keeping him slow for as long as the Doc would like, well that is going to be hard. Why do they tell you to not let them run and jump for a week to ten days? Really... that is not easy especially with other dogs. But we will try...

Now for today's post - It is Wednesday and that we know is Whimsy Stamps Challenge day! Yea! And this week there is no excuses for not joining us! The challenge is Anything Goes! And since you can join us with any stamped image (we prefer to see Whimsy, but we love you just having fun with us), so pop you cards into the challenge for a chance at winning some Whimsy of your own :0)

Me ... well I was dying to use one of the brand new images, Party Animal! Maybe he is celebrating the 4th of July? Don't you just love him?  I adore all of Crissy Armstrongs images though... LOL  I have had so much fun with her other image Gift Horse... so I knew this was a winner too. I colored with my Copics - trying to work with the colors from my pattern papers -

My Minds Eye "Miss Caroline - Dilly Dally" - this little paper pad has almost seen the end. LOL That doesn't happen to often to me. Does it you? I mean usually I use maybe half, and then it sits on the shelf until I move things around, then it goes into a donate box. but there are those few collections that seems like all the papers in it are winners... well all of the My Minds Eye Miss Caroline collections are like that for me - I tried to match up colors then pick through what is left of the papers and create a layout. I sewed layers together and then tied a red rayon seem binding ribbon around the middle. Now the corner of my pattern paper had a red flower printed on it... but I needed more than just printed, so I punched out some flowers and leaves and put a brad through the middle. I also did some die cuts scrolls that I punched in black and then yellow then pieced them together, hard to see.. but they are there.

I did a simple inside from left over pieces of paper - all sewed down.

The inside sentiment is also from Whimsy - it is part of the Gift Horse Sentiment collection and I thought it fit our new Party Animal as well :0)

Please make sure to pop over to the Whimsy Stamps Challenge and see all the gorgeous cards from the DT this week - and then no excuses... join us!

Well today is the 4th of July - You celebrating with friends and family? On the Lake? Bar-B-Q'ing? Us.. no too much to do around the farm, normal chores and then our special project that is going on. I'll have photos on Saturday of that.. wink wink ;0)

Have a great day -
HUGS and


  1. Your card is just soo darned cute Michelle. I love the bright colors and I´m sure he´s celebrating 4th of July too ha ha ha. An absolutely awesome piece of art and your coloring is so great. I love this.

  2. Just too cute! Love the image and you made it come to life. I do know what you mean about your puppy. It is so hard to see them hurting or out of sorts at all. They are our babies! I wish him a speedy recovery.

  3. cute card, Michelle! Happy 4th! Hope Tuco heals quickly.

  4. Great card Michelle! Awesome image from Crissy - looks like a fun one!I really like your stitching and the way you colored the ribbon!Plus all your colors - oh! Just everything! Fabulous! Good luck with Tuco! xx Kathy

  5. Fun new image. I agree, PARTY! Have a fun and relaxing 4th. Not doing much here. Just trying to stay cool! Hugs...

  6. A good recovery to Tuco; it will be hard to keep him stay calm with the other dogs around, know what you have to go through with that. Your card is stunning and I have to laugh about it. This image is really great. I also love crissy's images. Regards, Helen
