
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Animal Crackers - Thinking of Pitter Pat

Hello - I had not intended on missing Thursday or Friday post. I am very sorry - We have had all our thoughts and energy on Miss Pitter Pat. Pattie is not well.

We noticed last Sunday that she was loosing weight. And then Wednesday we noticed that she had a few bumps on her. So early Thursday morning we loaded her up on the trailer and headed into the vets office. Normally we would call the Doc out to see us, as loading up donkeys are not the easiest to do. But we knew that they would want to be able to run test on her and it would be faster if she was there.

Here is Hubby waiting outside with Pattie to see the Doc.

We are very worried about our girl. They are not for sure what is wrong with her. Her numbers are wonky Plus her back right leg is swollen. One thing we are concerned about is did she get bit by something. Rattle Snakes are on the move around here, we have killed one and a neighbor has killed two just this week! Pat is staying at the vets office right now. They felt they could better keep an eye on her and check her numbers and give her meds. Hubby went by there yesterday and checked on her. Her personality hasn't changed a bit, she nodded her head at him and slowly came right to him for lovings. He stayed there while they checked her numbers again they were better. So we are taking that as a positive and that the medicine is working... working on what we still are not sure, but after all the stress and worry I am taking it! I can't stand it anymore, as soon as all the animals are fed this morning we are loading up and heading in so I can see my girl. It is making me crazy not having one of my babies home. - So Prayers for our girl Pattie, please.

Ok, a few shots from earlier...

Tiny Olive Oyle  -

Her coloring is just stunning! For a while there we were worried that she was going to be to tiny to ever use as a breeding Nanny. But finally she is starting to catch up to all the other girls her age. And I am thrilled! She has such beautiful markings and coloring! Won't be for a while, but I think she is going to have pretty little kids.

Jill -

I think last week... or the week before...(they are running together and coming so fast lately) I think I showed you one of her daughters, Crissy. I said how much she looked like her Mom. Well this is Jill - she has sweetest petite face and long nose. And take a look at those horns! Of all the goats, Jill has the prettiest, longest thin horns. They are perfect.  I happen to think Jill is just perfect too. 

A photo of two of the boys -

 Here are Jorge and Pavo. The afternoons have been really hot here. 100 degrees plus. I found them hanging by the water bucket. "Dad" had just filled them with nice cool fresh water. One thing that Hubby is a FREAK about clean water. We decided years ago that we didn't want large water troughs for the animals. I can't stand seeing all that yucky green algae in them. So we went with these 20 gallon buckets. Some pens have two or three of them. But working with these buckets Hubby can dump them and clean them. EVERY DAY. This time of year two times a day. Our donkeys have become use to having that clean fresh water... and look forward to it. Some of them will trot over while he is filling and drink right out of the hose. Kids :0)

One more photo this week... took this yesterday, just cracked me up.

I came around the corner and found Mr. Tuco enjoying "Dad's" chair. I snapped quick with my phone, then asked what he thought he was doing... those adorable eyes just looked up at me. He is the only one of the four dogs that has ever jumped up on the furniture. Well other than the bed, we have stairs so they can come to bed at night... I know spoiled. But you know I can't sleep with out a fur baby on my feet :0) I petted him on the head and left him to being comfortable. LOL Hey.. it isn't my chair...

Sorry I don't have more photos this week... Pattie has had all my thoughts, time and energy the past few days. I hate having sick children! I just wish she could tell me what is wrong.

I'll be back tomorrow with Me and My Space... see you then, have a wonderful Saturday.
HUGS and-


  1. I'm sending prayers for Pattie your way! I hope she will be fine soon again.

    Jay Jay

  2. I hope sweet Pitter Pat wll be ok. That little Olive Oyle is so adorable.

  3. Will keep Pattie in my thoughts, I hope she's going to be okay. Keep us posted when you get a chance.
    Love the phots of Olive & Tuco, and yes, Jill does have beautiful horns.
    When you get your garden up & running, you'll be able to water it with the stale water from the donkeys' barrels.

  4. I do hope Pattie is better. Love the pic of Tuco in the lounge chair and all the rest of the guys and gals too.

  5. I'm so sory Patti isn't feeling well. Praying for a speeding recovery so she can come home.
    Take care,

  6. Poor Miss Pitter Pat Pattie! I know that being bit by a rattler usually won't kill a larger critter but it will make them super sick. I think it depends on where they are bit also! Snakes have been bad around here this year too...its too hot, too dry, and they are looking for a cooler place to hide out. My nephew has had a run bad luck this past year and this past month especially. Jasens baby boy was born 2 months premie and had to stay in the hospital almost a month in ICU then this month his dog was bitten by a rattler in July and ended up at the vet for treatment and had just started getting around well when there was a big grass fire (burned over 10,000 acres around here) and it burned down his house, killed his cat, and the two dog were found in their kiddy wading pool (that Jasen had filled with water before going to work)in the middle of the pen. The one dog had singed hair (who had been bit) and the second dog had severely burned the pads of his feet. Anyway story is the dog is better and I hope that Patti gets better soon for you too!

  7. Sorry didn't mean to write a book there. Your in my thoughts! Vickie aka okienurse

  8. Oh Michelle please keep us updated on Patti even if it is every day, I need to know :) All I have been hearing on the news out here is about how bad the mosquitos have been by you and that people are fighting the planes dusting but yet 20 people died from the west nile. I also heard because of the hot weather that there are more rattlesnakes and ticks coming out. They had on the news that a Moose in NY State on a 3 inch spot had more than 100 ticks on it and it has now it is jepodizing the Moose population in NY State. I know we like the summer but it seems like this summer is bringing a lot of sadness so please keep me updated on Patti

    Big Hugs
    Your Friend


  9. Poor Patti, your hubby does look worried in the photo with her. I hope the vets find out soon what it was and fix her up quick. I am sure she would rather be at home. too.
    Cute Olive, she is just darling. Jill is lovely and TUCO all boy! Hugs to all...

  10. I know it's Sunday, it's the first chance I've had to read your blog, but nevertheless I am reading it in date I hope I'll read better news about Pattie when I get to today's post. Love, hugs and prayers to you all. xxx
