
Friday, August 31, 2012

Just Magnolia and Hanglar - PINK

Friday!! The days are just flying by aren't they? So here is Friday again, and today it is my day to join in with the girls at Just Magnolia and Hanglar Challenge. Good week too cuz the them is all about PINK :0)

Now since I am so far behind, sorry...  but I am. I decided to double duty my challenge today with a "box" I made for my MIL's birthday this week. I needed something to put her present in besides wadding up the bag it came in... so I dug out one of my sizzix dies and made a little case!

It is a Bigz die, Suitcase Bag - one day I am going to get a pro similar... :0) Cuz I would love this to be larger! I won't lie I messed this up first go around. I tried to make it out of the sizzix board... messed up two pieces darn it! Then I realized that it was just too much for it, the sides need to bend. So I started over with a grey piece of card stock and it works much much better. I colored up one of my Tilda's - I love how she is leaning in on the edge. Please don't be upset.. but I was so out of it I forgot to take the photo of the markers. I have been doing pretty good was so upset with myself. She has been loosely cut out. I used the sizzix die to cut out two pieces of pattern paper for the front and back. I stuck Tilda down, then I found a Whimsy sentiment and cut it out with a matching die. I added a little bit of color to it. I then found some adhesive pearls on a roll. Love these. I stuck them around the edge. This case needed some serious girly feel to it. I looked at it and realized I had covered up just about all the roses on the paper.. and that was my pretty pink!!!! So I found three mulberry pink roses and fond punch leaves and added them, and pop dotted the sentiment.

Moving on to the sides. I added two rows of lace, making sure that when the sides over lap when closed that they match up ok. Looked a little plain, so I added more pearls. Pearls always dress things up right?

MIL's gift just barely fit inside.... barely. She seemed to really like it. And she was happy cuz this would sit up and not blow over "like a card". Wasn't the thought when making it, but hey if that works out that is great.

So now it is time for you to jump on over to the Just Magnolia and Hanglar Challenge and see all the DT's Pink... then join us for this weeks great prize.

So today... well Hubby and I are trying to get a bunch of little things done cuz we want to play tomorrow. A little over an hour from here is a big city garage sale :0) Last time we went there were TONS of antiques and vintage items. So we are hoping that it is the same this time. Gonna have to get up before the crack of dawn to feed all the animals then make the drive to be there early when it opens.

So I'll schedule up my post for Saturday... it is gonna be double duty... Animal Crackers and the first of the month so it is also Whimsy Release... so I hope to see you Saturday! Thanks for stopping in today.

HUGS and -


  1. This is as cute as can be and such a good idea. I also like how the little Maggie is leaning forward and it's a great gift holder.

  2. What a fun way to present a present!
    Have a blast at the city wide sales, I hope you find some treasures. Maybe something for your new dollhouse.

  3. waaaayyy too cute love it, looks fabulous
