
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Animal Crackers - An Evening around the pens

Howdy -
   Last night just as the sun started to set Hubby and I went around to have some quality time with our children. I love hugs and chatting with the animals at this time of the day. Mornings they really could careless about wanting love. They just want breakfast and now!! Now of course they are the same way at the end of the day, but usually they will pause enough for hugs and a few photos. Until they see Hubby get closer to the hay barn... then they all start screaming cuz they know Super is coming soon.

First photo up is one of my favorite. Macie and her first baby...  Angelina "Lina".

I can't believe that Lina is almost 5 years old! Does she have her Mom's face or what? Always have said that Macie has the most beautiful eyes of all the ladies. Well Lina and her other daughter Felicia have those same big brown eyes with the long eye lashes.

Got a photo of Miss Gabby (Gabriel) - She is super friendly, and most importantly she is super healthy!

If you remember, Gabby was my sick baby. The one that ran temperatures of 114! She actually spent a day here and there in the house with air conditioning when she was so little. Well she has grown up and her internal thermometer has all the kinks worked out. I look at her now... and I see her older sister Rosie. We sure miss Rosie, that girl never in her two years of life was 100% healthy, and was always on meds. Hubby and I were both extremely close to Rosie, one of our earlier babies. Totally miss her, but I sort of feel like she is sort of still with us in Gabby - Gabby and her Sister Lydia both have a bit of Rosie in their looks. But Gabby... she is almost a clone, and has the same personality of Rosie. Or what I would like to think of as a Healthy Rosie.

Next was the goat pen. Look how stunning these two girls are becoming. Camilla and Lady Di.

Camilla really has gorgeous fur. They both do really. I had to run the ad this week for the goats. YEP it really has been hard this time. There are so many of these 17 kids that I don't want to part with. So far no one has come out to see them. That might be because the first two days of the ad... I had my phone number wrong. OOPS. Hubby thinks I did it on purpose. NO I did not.. ;0}

Luke is one of the boys I just adore!!

He is the most outgoing and friendliest of all the babies. But I just love his markings too. Those blue eyes and that zig zag on his face just add so much to his personality. NO I did NOT put the wrong phone number in the ad on purpose...

Watch out... Hubby just fed the goats!!

It is the same routine every night. There are feeding buckets all down the fence. They all know that Hubby walks down the fence and everyone gets fed and there is plenty for everyone. But that first bucket that gets the grain... it is an insane fight to get to it first and get the first of the grain. LOL I love that Shirley is just walking across everyone's heads... and take a look at Lady Di on the top left! Geronimo!!!!  I guess she figured she would just leap and hopefully land close enough to the grain to get a bite! One second later they split and about 1/2 of them realize that the next bucket has feed in it.. and the third... and the fourth... so they thin out enough to eat and not panic. LOL

Our standard - our big baby Teddy or formally Ted E. Bear was standing just outside of the goat pen... Now Dinner for us please.

He would like to think that he is reserved and in total control... but he almost as bad as the goats. He let me snap the photo, and scratch on the backs of his ears. But as soon as he realized that Hubby went out the gate and was 1/2 way to the hay barn... I had to step way back, he was in a hurry!  I think he thinks that if he isn't there to shove on Hubby... bump the door of the barn a few times... and snort and grunt a few times that there is a chance that Hubby could forget to feed him.  No way will that happen Ted. We know that if we forget to give you dinner that your feelings might get hurt. And then you might try and eat my truck - or the side of the barn - or a fence or two. WE will not go into detail why we know that  ok?? (Yes... my truck, the barn and a few fences have Ted bites in them)

Uh oh.. Jolene is done with photo loving time... Dinner NOW please!

Once one group gets fed, there is no waiting to do any other pens....

Thought this was a cute photo. I was trying to get photos of the dogs. They had baths Thursday night and they are all so fluffy and soft! But they love watching all the donkeys and goats get fed. Hearing all the talking... and then barking themselves. But then I saw Tuco and his Mom Libbie standing one the other side of the yard...

 Tuco has sure grown up. He is probably going to be closer to Autie's size. But man I love that Blue Merle coloring. Tuco has the copper as well... really stands out on his legs and sides. But the end of his tail knot is copper too. Cracks me up that little end of copper. Libbie sure does look petite, doesn't she.

Whats up for you this weekend? Us... believe it or not. NOTHING! I don't think we have anything planned all weekend. Shocking huh? Today I think we have planned to stay home and just putter around doing a few things that need to be done, but nothing to tough. HA! We both could use a easy day. Honestly a total Re-coop day I could really use. I am not even planning to change out of my worn out baggie sweats - or put make up on! A Nap sounds good too... LOL  Sounds wonderful doesn't it?

Hope you have an easy weekend planned. Or something fun?

Whatever - have a great one!
HUGS and-


  1. I was sitting here thinking this is gonna be a nap day! I have only been up a short and am feeling drowsy.This cold has kicked my fanny. *yawn* I love those feeding photos. Good grei you would think they where starved and we all know better. The 1st photo is so cool with the warm sun peeking between those long ears. Have a very relaxing weekend. hugs...

  2. Gabby and the gang have turned out beautiful. I bet it would be hard to get rid of them when they grow up! I love the animal cracker posts and send the URL to my granddaughter...Teresa is 3 and her Dad and Mom have your blog bookmarked but Teresa likes getting email from Momma D on saturday...See what you have started! All your fault this weekly exchange! Thank you! {hugs} Vickie aka Okienurse

  3. Thank you for the photo of Gabriel, it's wonderful to see her looking so well & so beautiful. Great photos this week - when are they not?? :) Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  4. Saturday stupid computer kept blocking the page.Finally I'm here-and now I'm worried because you haven't posted this week.
    Pretty sure I'm completely in love with Ted-what a fantastic, soulful face!
    Hope all is well!
