
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Animal Crackers - Sisters...

Whew... Howdy - run run run... I snapped a few photos yesterday just before it got to dark. We got home from setting up our booth at the antique show this weekend. Man this job is work! LOL Anyway back to my story... I went out to snap photos but then had to stop to help Hubby. We had an escapee from the little girls pen. Miss Gabby - she was just wandering around enjoying new grass areas that she hadn't had chances at before, putting her nose through the fences to other donkeys. I believe this is when she was doing a little na-na-na-na-nah to everyone that she was out. We "lead" her back to the girls pen. (this took some time, some shoving, some pulling and a bit of grunting and yelling to get done, she wasn't too bad compared to some of the others.) Hubby got her back in the pen, and then we had to figure out where she got out. He went off to examine the fences and the donkey shacks. I said I don't think so I think she shoved her chunky self between the gate and the pole. He said no, there was no way she was way to big. Ok, I started back to the goat pen when he started yelling... "hurry hurry.. she is going back out".. uh yea - she was squeezing through between the gate and the pole... I didn't say "I told you so"... I just looked at him and he rolled his eyes. Oh well, it is all fixed now and no one can wiggle out now. Sigh... anyway long story to tell you I didn't have much time before it got dark.. so I found a couple from last week that I hadn't shown.. so a few from this week and last -

Sisters - Got a great couple of photos of Vera and Alice this week - These girls are from Daisy's kids last spring. Hard to believe they are almost a year old now...  Funny Vera is already growing her beard, usually they are at least 2-3 years old. Vera has such pretty coloring. And Alice... she has those eyes I adore! They usually are together - and are BFF's for sure.

But like most sisters they do butt heads from time to time as well... 

LOL :0)

I found Charles "Chuck" Screaming his head off at me...

The goats have not been the happiest at us. We have been changing up their diets a bit. They are all getting fat. So less grain, less alfalfa and more plain coastal hay. Hey I would be happier living on chocolate, cokes and bread... but it just ain't how it is in life. Well Charles, he was evidently telling me that it was grain night. Yes, Chuck... grain for dinner tonight... 

Here is one from last week... You see Hubby had to go into the boys pen and fix some "problem" areas. They have been working on getting the fencing down between them and the little girls. Yes you know how teenage boys are right? Well here "Dad" was explaining that they had to stay on their side. No "playing" with the girls yet.  - 

I love the look on Felipe's face.... is that a teenage boy or what??? UH yea I am listening... but where is that girl I was after???  They love when he holds their noses, don't ask me why. Something he does with all of the babies... and they grow up with it and love it.

Snapped a pretty photo of Big Moe - would love to say he is sitting in a special plant but...

Nope.. that is a weed. LOL Sorry a tiny bit of rain last week and weeds are just popping up all over the place. Not enough to grow grass - weeds yes though. Moe is such a sweet guy. And he loves his private place, you could leave the door open and he doesn't even bother getting up - That is a happy, content kitty. 

Now one more, thought this was funny... after I finished taking photos I thought I would go and check on Gabby...

She wouldn't even look at me. She knew she wasn't suppose to be out - loved every minute of it. But wouldn't even come to talk to me about it - children...

Hope you have a great day - I hope we have a thousand people come through our booth today... that would be wonderful - ok, a thousand that want to spend money...

HUGS and-


  1. These are fabulous photos and Miss Gabby's guilty face is so cute! She certainly knew she'd done wrong, bless her. Good luck with today's booth.
    E.M. x

  2. Naughty Gabby!! But also clever Gabby - you'll have to keep a look-out for other escape opportunities from now on, I think. :) Thank goodness you got home when you did.
    Wonderful photos today. Hope you have a very successful weekend.

  3. Hee hee kids! Love how Gabby tried to ignore you.
    (And the sisters butting heads.) Typical for sure. :)
    Big Mo sure is handsome. (And one lucky boy.)
    Hope you sell LOTs at the show today, hugs...

  4. What a wonderful story had me howling out loud, the pics are wonderful too thanks so much for sharing with us...
