
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Animal Crackers - Wind, Weather, Wings and Tail Feathers

Howdy -

Well yesterday I decided I had better hurry out and get some photographs... you see there was a storm coming!!

Sadly the Girl Donkeys decided that they would leave our side of the pasture and move on over to the larger pasture at the neighbors.. so didn't get any cute close up photos of them.

They were in a hurry and really didn't care when I was calling out to them to come back for pictures. They were actually trotting!!

Bringing up the rear of the herd was Patti and Patricio "Pat Man"... and Patti was tormenting Raffie and really didn't want to leave I think.

The girl has been in season the last week, and really giving the boys some issues. Raffie was really trying to charm her.. Patricio was just running along side thinking everyone was playing with him. No Pat Man I think Raffie was being very serious... good thing the new pen we enlarged for Raffie is all chained together! He puts some pressure on the connections of the panels - chains are our friends here.

After Patti was away Raffie decided to come and see if I had any snacks for him. I have started a VERY BAD habit... You see his new larger pen runs up along the chicken coop. And every afternoon I take out an afternoon snack for the chickens. Lettuce - Carrots - Crackers - Sun Flower Seeds. And well I have been sneaking a few little nibbles to my boy. Bad Mom I know...

But common - he is the name sake of the blog our website and the antique business... so he deserves a little spoiling right?

At that point I looked over to Franks pen where he and the four girls he has a guest right now were all running and screaming... Found Grace like this...

Then very large drops started falling on me....
I turned to the sky and saw this.... It was about 2:30 in the afternoon -

Been some very violent weather in Texas the past few days. And we have fortunately missed the nasty stuff... but also missed the rain. We need the rain. So I was happy to feel a few drops and see that we seemed to be in the path of rain... Rained for about 25 minutes then moved on. Little over 1/4 inch... not much, but seeing the news I was ok with it.. the hail bad storms were close to us and ok to pass by us yesterday.

What a difference a week makes.... We are loosing the furry chick feathers, and starting to grow in real feathers, even TAIL feathers! Got a couple that are already growing their combs... hmmmm not to sure about that... these are suppose to all be girls....

 Hope it is just the type of chicken... will have to do some research on that.

Even tiny Violet has started growing her tail feathers and getting some really pretty wing feathers!

 So this weekend for us is a calm weekend around the house. Ahhhhh been a while since we have had that. Hubby has lots of Garden things on his list - as well as repairs and building things. Me, I am hoping to get a bunch of eBay listing work done, and have some much needed crafting time. Looking forward to a home weekend. What is on your list this weekend? Isn't it nice sometimes to not have plans and just get through the day as it happens. I love that - wonder if I will even get out of my Eeyore lounging pants? Now a day all day in my comfy Eeyore clothes and crafting time... that is a nice day! LOL

have a great one! See you tomorrow for Garden Sunday!
HUGS and


  1. Raffie is such a handsome boy. Great to see the chicks doing so well. I love the photo of the stormy sky, I'm glad you got some rain. I'm hoping to do some gardening this weekend, but it's raining at present, so will wait & see. Have a great weekend at home.

  2. The perfect weekend! Just spent 5 hours in the truck with DH. I rode along to keep him company as he had a meeting to attend 2 1/2 from home! Sure hope the weather holds and I can enjoy part of my weekend.

  3. Awesome little critters!!! I love the baby chicks and wish I could talk hubby into a couple. city says I can have 4 but he won't hear of it!!! I was curious as to what your ebay and Etsy stores are listed under. I tried to sleuth it out but nothing is coming up.

  4. what great pictures again; Raffie is adorable. Was on holiday last week and visit a big farm where they treated abandoned/abused animals; lots of very cute donkeys over there. Even one came almost sitting on my lap with this head - so adorable. Hugs Helen
