
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Animal Crackers - Smile!


Thought we would start out with a smile!

Vicki gave me a really big smile the other morning. Usually I don't have my camera in hand for these great faces, but I was ready this time!! She is so funny... You can really see how black her spots are now. All the donkeys are really slicked off.

Even our baby boy Patricio is loosing his baby fur.

Are those ears or what? Babies usually keep most of their fur for the first year, unless it is really hot. And it is getting pretty hot here. Isn't he just adorable. Really turned red with the sun though.

Pepita really has slicked off and is just stunning now. Look at how black and pretty she is -

She is shy... and is my girl. Won't come to everyone but we have a special relationship... love this sweet girl.

Got a shot of Lillie waiting for breakfast - Lillie is our "old lady". We don't breed her anymore. Too many issues and we don't want to put her in danger for a bad birthing.

She is just too funny...

We call her "Popeye" as a nick name. When she gets excited her eyes look like they are huge and well going to pop out! Especially for oatmeal cookies... she loves when "Dad" shares his oatmeal cookies with her!

Speaking of waiting for breakfast...

 Had to stop shooting photos for a few minutes to give the outside doggies their morning cookie. Every morning, every time we come home and then one more at night before bed time they get their little cookies. Started out to make sure that they always were always home and ok. Now it is just a time for lovings... they get rubbed and loved on before each cookie. They are too cute.

I finally got some good photographs of Periwinkle to show you just how crooked her or his.. (we are leaning towards the he for him and "Eleanor" started hearing some young cock a doodle doo's in the morning too... sigh) anyway back to Periwinkle...

You can now see how it bends off to the side -

Top view especially...

Doesn't seem to slow her/him down. Still eats fine and is growing good. Hopefully there won't be issues later - this one has so much personality.....


  1. Great photos. Vicki made me laugh out loud & Patricio's ears are huge! He's so gorgeous. Have a great weekend.

  2. Babies are so cute. Patricio is no exception! HE will grow into his ears. :)
    Nallie and Moxie are so lucky you took them in. They sure look like HAPPY dogs.

  3. What a lovely photos again! This post always makes me smile ;-) Hugs
