
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Animal Crackers - Bye Bye Pedro


Was a long week here. I have been working like crazy - heat - and we said good bye to another donkey that was sold. I purchased a huge collection of stamps last week and took a couple of days to unbox and sort them, and now I am putting them all onto eBay... you might want to peek :0) It is going to take a while to sell them all.. but I am going as much and as fast as I can.

We said Goodbye to Pedro.

We had a very nice lady call a couple of weeks ago and was interested in a donkey. Well she called again the week and was ready. Her and her son came to see the boys. After a little while with everyone she decided she liked Pedro. Pedro is a Darlene Baby- so he has that sweet slow personality and is very friendly and loves attention. All though here we had to take a break from going to the trailer and he was questioning leaving. After getting to his new home he has new friends and is settled in and doing well.  We are going to miss him terribly, but he is going to be spoiled have lots of new friends and family.

For a little while they were talking about taking Jorge -

 When they decided to go with Pedro I could see the relief on Hubby's face. He is totally in love with Jorge. Well all of them, but Jorge is like his little shadow. Follows him everywhere when he can. After they pulled away with the trailer Hubby looked at me and said that Jorge was now on the not for sale list. He just can't let go of him. I can't argue... Sergio is on the list for me. We are not the best ranchers sometimes our not for sale list gets pretty long... LOL Oh I am sure if the right person came and we had nothing else available we would rethink our list. But for now... we have two boys on our list in the youth boys pen.

Got a funny shot of Lilly...   That is a little tree we have been trying to protect in the goat pen.... but it just wasn't to be. It has died. From LOTS of head scratching. 

 You can see how they have rubbed the bark off of it. Now please lets not say anything out loud about Lilly's "extra weight" you would think she was huge pregnant... but she isn't, she is one of the older Ladies, and has had LOTS of babies in her life. She loves having babies. Been known to steal a few when she didn't have one of her own. But it has now gotten to dangerous for her to have babies. All she does now is lead everyone else, sleep, and eat. And this girl LOVES when "Dad" shares oatmeal cookies! But we don't allow that very often at all... due to that little extra weight. LOL

I have been showing you the beautiful colors the Heritage Chickens are getting in.

 Inge is really just now really changing and looking gorgeous. She is a Swedish Flower Hen chicken and rare in these parts. I only got her as she was an accident left behind at the breeder. She is really beautiful.

As are the Lavendar Ameraucanas - They are so different that the other girls. 

This is Orchid - She always looks so "poofed" up. Love those little cheek feathers. Really pretty in the sunlight. And really fabulous fuzzy rear end photos... but I'll save the back end shots for another day.

Then I walked by the "Cat House" and found Momma Cat in the house and out of the heat.

 Life is tough for these cats...  She has those gold eyes that just are so striking. So happy the are all getting so much calmer. Thought about climbing into the house and joining her she looked so relaxed!

Hope this week gave you a little smile -


  1. Lots of luck to Pedro in his new home. I would be a rubbish rancher, I'd want to keep ALL of my animals. :) Great photos as always & the chickens are beautiful. Have a great weekend.

  2. LOL at Pedro setting his hooves and balking. I bet I would have too. IF it looked life they where taking me away from your fabulous place. So happy to hear his new home is just as wonderful. It is nice to hear the cats are relaxing and getting friendlier.
    Beautiful chickens.
    I DO NOT NEED any stamps, but will look *wink*

  3. Great photos again; I think I would even be a worse rancher - I would be overcrowded as I can't say goodbye to my animals unless they die. xxxx
