
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Animal Crackers - I have a Stick

Howdy -

Brrrrr..... Baby it got cold outside. And I braved the cold yesterday morning early just to snap these photos! Really early like before 7 am! LOL We were going to be gone all day and with the time change I was concerned that it was going to be dark when we got home so I went out to photo before we left. And it was a good thing I did... cuz it was really dark!

Was just at freezing here, and all the animals were puffed up to stay warm. I went to snap one of "Red" Scarlett is her real name, but we call her "Red" She was enormous! But just as I went to take a beautiful photo of her she picked up a stick and was flipping it up and down in her mouth to show me just how talented she is.

Up and down with her lips she flipped that little stick. So proud... Finally she dropped it and let me take a pretty photo...

Ok so she isn't a rocket scientist... but she is beautiful. Such a vibrant shade of red too. I am thinking she is going in with one of the boys next week to try for more RED!

Found the boy donkeys all puffed up and enjoying breakfast.

My baby Sergio made a few noises at me as a "hello, I would really love to come over to you and get some head scratches, but breakfast just got here and I really don't want to loose my place over the largest piece" I totally understood of course....

But Felipe.. head scratches were more important to him.

You can really see how large his face was poofed. Cheeks and bangs.  I rubbed a bit on him and then told him he better head back to grub as the others would eat it down fast as cold as it was.

Even the chickens were all puffy... Inge was really strutting around...

Her coloring is just amazing. I so need to find a boyfriend for her so we can make more Swedish Flower Hens as I am in love with her.

Speaking of in love ...

 As I left the chicken coop and came into the back yard I found Moxie and Nally at the other gate waiting for their morning "Cookies".  Every morning, Every Night before bedtime, Every time we have been gone from home and return they get a little Cookie. It is sort of our way of making sure they stick close to the house and checking up on them. Now I could not turn those faces down so I got them each a cookie loved all over them, rubbed bellies and faces and then they took off with their treats to the front porch where they have a bed and a big cozy quilt to cuddle down into. Just as they ran off Hubby walks up and ask me if I gave them a cookie.... well yes of course. He laughed and said well so did I about 10 minutes ago... LOL Their record for working both of us all day is 7 a piece... Ha! But we try and stay at the 4 and under most of the time. They deserve being spoiled though... Love theses two to pieces! Sister and so much alike and so different as well.

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend!
HUGS and


  1. How cold is it! We are at 14 degrees this a.m. :( UGH. Winter is going to cold and long.
    You hen is lovely. Such pretty colors. Moxie and Nally and ADORABLE. Sweet little tricksters. ;)

  2. Such gorgeous detail with your new camera. Love to see your Saturday pics...
