
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Animal Crackers - Baby Boys time Three!

Howdy -

 Sorry for not posting photographs of our third baby sooner. This week has really been rough!! First Hubby got sick, then I got sick...( and is there anything worse than being sick the same time as your husband?)...  then my phone got that all white screen with apple logo. It was crashed and would not work period! So with a box of tissues in hand I sat at the Apple store all morning middle of the week waiting to have it fixed. Ended up with a new phone which was good, but miserable day.

Anyway the story of the phone was to tell you my baby photos of the new baby... yep they were on the old phone. Finally saved them, but I did loose a lot of other things. sigh...

Lets forget the illness, the broken phone and all the bad this week and get straight to some total cuteness!!!

How about meeting Sweet Pea's new son...

Hubby named him "Centavo"

 You see his Daddy is also Peso... and Centavo is 1/100th of a Peso! LOL I have been calling him "Tavo". He is such a beautiful color! And that little pink nose is just too cute for words!

 Centavo just gave me so much worry, You see we were doing an antique show last weekend, and yep Sweet Pea decided that was the best time to give birth... The night before we left... very very very late. And we had to leave before sun up the next morning. So we had no real clue what color he was and didn't get to do my normal watch on newborn babies. I saw him eat and Sweet Pea despite at first running from him like he was the boogie man. She ended up taking really good care of him after we forced her to acknowledge him. So I went almost 20 hours before I knew for sure boy or girl or his coloring. 

We did everything in our power to get home before the sun set that first day so we could get the traditional day one photo with Hubby.. or "Daddy"

He is really too pretty to be a boy... LOL 

And let me tell you these three boys this week have found each other, learned to be around each other, and now rough house and play as hard as they can together. Hubby and I have just sat on the back porch with our box of tissues... coughed... sneezed and laughed till we hurt watching these three!

Luna is still the smallest of all three... but that doesn't slow him down he head butts with the other two like he is a giant!

And Uno is for sure the leader of the group the "tough guy"... but honestly he loves to pose for these fabulous photos! He does take a good photo doesn't he?

Now my last picture today is Spartacus.... it was just funny to not share with you!

You see Spartacus must have decided to make sure he got his share of breakfast....

He wore his most of the morning. LOL He is one silly goat!

Hope you got a few awe's ... and a couple of grins this week. Love sharing my kids with you each week... but really LOVE sharing baby photos!

Have a blessed weekend -
HUGs and


  1. THREE handsome boys. (Well more CUTE for now) ;) Sure hope you are all feeling better, too.

  2. Okay seriously those are the cutest little babies!!!! Love the story & love behind each one!! Hugs, Lora

  3. They are all just tooo adorable! But I LOVE Centavo <3

  4. sweet babies for sure. I would love to have a couple mini goats
    Hope you guys are feeling better soon. Sounds like your week has been like mine!

  5. Glad you are feeling better. Seeing your hubby hold Centavo reminds me that you have miniature goats. They are so tiny. Very handsome photo subjects this week. Thanks for sharing.
