
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Animal Crackers - Boys will be Boys

Howdy -

Hubby and I walked over to see the boys yesterday afternoon. The weather was nice and it was just a bit chilly. The perfect weather to play hard!

 All the boys in the far pen were playing hard. Well all but Diego... that boy wouldn't run if his tail was on fire. But all the other boys were playing hard, until we walked up. They stopped to see if we had any treats. But Patricio and Toffee were still deciding who was best. Best at what I am not sure.. there had to be a title involved though they were really wanting to prove something.

Patricio looks to be in control... then Toffee would take his shot and gain a bit....

This went on for quite a while until Dad went into the pen and decided to let them know he was in charge and wanted to do some ear scratching before we headed back to the house. They are too funny....

Now I am going to try and add a video of the baby goats playing. The boys are at that totally adorable playing stage. Last time I added a video some could see it... some couldn't and I never could figure out why or how to fix it. So we will try again with a new video....

Luna and Centavo were just going to town playing King of the Mountain... or King of the old Steps. But later in the day Centavo was showing he is still a little guy and needed a long afternoon nap in the feed bowl.

One more photo today... Hubby was working on the neighbors house and had to take some time to see his girls that had come up to the fence for attention.

Juliet always gets more than her share and "Dad" doesn't mind at all to loose work time loving on his kids.

And yes... Hubby does get paint on the walls too... those pants have so much paint and calk on them from the past 50 projects they stand on their own as art! LOL

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend .... and do hope you got to see the video!
HUGS and


  1. Yep :) Boys will be boys. I love the baby goats at play video. So cute.

  2. I got to see the video, but I had to switch over from Chrome to Internet Explorer to do it. Some video plugins are sensitive to different browsers. Maybe one day they'll all learn to play nice together ;-) but at least you can suggest that as a remedy to others who have trouble and just see white space where the video should be.

  3. Such cute kids and so great to see them play! Thank you Michelle for sharing the video, it was fabulous x
