
Saturday, May 5, 2018

Animal Crackers - Did you know Goats will melt in the rain?

Howdy -

Its true... Goats will melt in the rain... well they think that way anyway. LOL I have a few that will be really really brave and stay out to finish up their alfalfa in a very very light sprinkle. But if a rain drop of any real size comes down - that is it! Game over ! we must find shelter NOW! And the more "controlling" ladies will take up their favorite hut and the more shy and calm girls run from shelter to shelter until everyone is safe.. Whew... It is mass chaos.

Well yesterday was a rainy day pretty much all day - I went out in the afternoon to snap some photos. Yes I was putting it off until the very last minute hoping for shots of new babies... sigh... what was I thinking having a baby on a rainy day! No way! So I went out during a light sprinkle shower to snap a few photos...

Lucy was a happy girl - she was able to claim one of the larger porches off one of the huts. 

This old girl always makes me smile... I guess basically because she always looks like she is smiling. Such a sweet lady with one gorgeous LONG beard. So girlie... 

And I know a couple of weeks ago I was showing you the love/hate relationship of our sisters Malory and Jennifer. Well in the very dangerous world of rain... sisters just have to stick together and protect each other! 

They popped their heads out just long enough to snap a photo... then went right back in! There were still drops! OH MY!

Now Jorge was screaming to let me know that he was LOVING the rain!

He had a lot of fun running all around in the rain yesterday - refreshing? Of just showing of he was the man! Such a cutie! LOL Loved all over that nasty wet dirty face... yep hands were yucky! But so worth some loving time with the man.

Momma Cat... what rain?

Well Momma Cat you have the luxury of your cat condo having a large covered porch. So you can enjoy the nice cool breeze and never seen a single drop of moisture. "Dad" has spoiled his kitties with a very nice cat house - Benches, Climbing areas, plants to hide in, indoor area with cushy beds and in the winter a heater... spoiled? Never...

Just about then Blanca came out from under the eve of the house and landed up on the roof. I guess she decided to get some fresh air before another harder shower came through.

 I snapped a photo because she just was so pretty and bright white against the grey sky... she has become a member of the family for sure. Even talks to us now and follows hubby around the property.

Now when Hubby saw my post last week and that I showed off his Vulture friend on the old tree snag he said... oh I took a photo this week that you can show off next Saturday! Guess he is becoming a regular guest photographer.. :0)

This is a brand new friend. A heron that has been stopping by...

 A few of the smaller ponds here have water in them and I guess this pretty heron has found a good frog pond either here on our property or our neighbors. With the rain that came through I bet those ponds are going to have lots of meals to enjoy so this guy may hang around a bit longer.

Do you think these birds are flying out and telling each other to show up for a photo opportunity? Wonder what will show up next...

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend - Hubby has been home with a "cold" - so the world has stopped rotating and life is ending... but I think he will start living again this weekend, especially as pretty they say the weather is suppose to be here. He can't stay in if it is really beautiful outside - he loves to be outside... and is not a real cooped up inside guy. So the sun will drag him out I am sure!

HUGS and


  1. Spring has arrived in IA finally! Warm temps and a good hard rain this week. Everything lush and green now. The critters are adorable as always. I am loving your new birdie friends. So much interesting FRIDS there. Tell your sweet hubby to feel better soon.

  2. Another great post! So funny... melting goats!
