
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Animal Crackers - We took a walk down to the boys

Howdy -

Yesterday morning we took a walk down to the front pasture to see the boys. Love my guys...
Their pen is up in the front of the property and I love driving into the gate and seeing my guys grazing and enjoying their large spread. Well we walked down to the front to visit them. Now when I say "we" I mean Moxie and I... :0)

Now she had just gotten yelled at here... See those eyes looking at me with that "Who me?' look.. She had just taken off and jumped through the front gate and was wandering around "off property" She knows better.. and as soon as I called out her name.. she was back and laid down as if she was totally innocent. Love those sweet eyes...

So the boys all came over to see me as soon as they saw me coming down the road. Patricio was the first to the fence.

He let me love all over him and even kiss the top of his head. Well... until the other boys got to the fence then he backs off a bit. He isn't the pushiest of children so he just hangs back and lets the others take over. Such a handsome man.

Flavio... with ears like that how can you not just love him!

He is so silky and shiny! And that black nose is like velvet... Handsome for sure!

My baby Diego was trying to act like he was a cool man... not my baby. 

Drinking some water and kept checking back at me to see if I was going to come out of my way to love on him. Well of course! Diego was my very first baby all those years ago and he is special so I go out of my way anytime to love on this "cool man"

Now after a few minutes they decided that I didn't bring peppermints or carrots... I know horrible Mom right? 

So they all decided it was better to head off and get some more grazing done since I didn't bring anything good to eat... I love how Patricio looked back as if to say "Thanks for coming Mom..." Melts me...

Then Moxie and decided that it was hot and despite being early in the morning 90 degrees was getting hotter and it was time to head back to the house.

Here Moxie was trying to have a bit of patience  on me. Seems my two legs were moving too slow for her trotting four legs... Here she was ahead of me on our "driveway" ...

That little bit of rain has starting a little green going again. Especially in the shade, full sun things are still a bit crispy.

Then I came across Cocoa... 

 Tried to not look her way too long... just long enough to snap a photo. She was hiding... from the sun mostly, but also from Teddy and Valentine... they were wandering around looking for her not too far off. LOL they found her a few minutes later. A Lady does enjoy a little quiet private time you know. Silly boys just don't ever give her that for long.

Hope you enjoyed - and got a smile or two -
Have a blessed weekend -
HUGS and


  1. thank you again for another great Saturday. I always look forward to it

  2. The boys look great. They are so lucky to live where they are so LOVED. Moxie is funny. Love the look you got! LOL

  3. love seeing pictures of the donkeys! I think the first time I surfed into your blog was before your eye injury and after one of the boys was born an now I have to read it every Saturday and follow what was going on that week! I hate this heat!! It has been in the 90° range here in Norman, OK every day! Hate the heat! Have a great week!

  4. Love the pics of Moxie and the boys!!! Those boys are so handsome, how could you not love on them?!? :-)

  5. Love seeing the pictures of your babies every week. They are all gorgeous.
