
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Animal Crackers - Gato and her Box

Howdy -

 I thought maybe I should update you all about Gato and her Box. If you remember from a few weeks ago I told you I was "discussing" with Hubby that the box needed to go and that Gato has lots of places she has claimed as her "beds"... But Hubby said she loved her box and it would just stay in the Dining Room until she was done enjoying it. Despite me wanting it to be put away and gone. I gave in and said fine... in a few days she will get bored and I can put it up then. Well.....

Here we are yesterday morning... yep box is still there... A bit more squished in but still her favorite place to spend her cat naps... that she takes about 75% of the day. Sigh... I hope soon to get that box put away... not looking good for me though.

I went out yesterday morning just after the sun came up with Hubby to try and snap some photos before it got hot. I was just a few minutes behind Hubby.. and I pretty much missed everyone to breakfast...

Pavo was keeping a close eye on Hubby and who was next in line for grub.

Almost Pavo...

Cocoa and Ted were trying to be calm and cool...

My big kids are sure looking old. Still young at heart right? Cocoa is all better now and taken control of the three as usual. Ted always my little clown.. a bit of a photo bomb here...

They got fed next...

Now I snapped this photo and realized something. I have taken this pose many times over the years. And these three are usually always in this order ... Cocoa always in the middle. I think that is the old girl makes sure she is standing over the top of the main portion of hay. "Dad" has gotten smart and spreads out their ration of hay out a bit more so the boys can get their share as well. Not that it looks like either of them have missed a single meal... Man Valentine is lumpy!

Well. then I caught "Dad" not happy with our boy Sergio... not happy at all!

You see Mr. Sergio decided that with the heat and lack of rain he did not have any green grass left to munch on so he took it upon himself to move his temporary panels to reach a few stray pieces of green... Ok Sergio that is the purpose of those panels so we can move them around and give new places to eat... but your brute strength shoving broke a few of the older panels... and made the pathway pretty tight between the two pens. Now the panels need to moved and probably repaired or replaced... "Dad" have him his breakfast and then loved all over him... can't stay mad at that handsome baby!

Ok.... but quit talking to that Donkey "Dad"!!! that flake of hay in your hand is meant for me!!!

 Alice was seriously giving him that look like NOW!!!!! and as soon as it went over the fence and was hitting the ground.. so was she! Funny most of the goats get angry when they are fed Coastal hay... they want their Alfalfa! The expensive more fatty grass! But we have a couple that would rather have the coastal. Then again they are a bit trimmer and not so "large" as the other gals. LOL

Hope you got a smile this week. They always make us smile - even when in trouble!
Have a blessed weekend -
HUGS and


  1. Gato! Love the way cats LOVE boxes. LOL
    I see why Dad can't be mad long. Such sweet furbabies that obviously love him too.:)

  2. OMG! Girl I think you malign poor Valentine! That is surely muscle striations on those sides not fatty lumps...Poor babies so mistreated! Not!. Always enjoy r3aing abought the critters. My cats love the boxes from Sams frozen foods. They can crawl in the cut out openings or lay on top. They hang around forever! Have a great week! Vickie

  3. Ah, Sergio was just trying to *help* Dad move the pen a little so he wouldn't have to do all that hard work himself! Poor boy can't help it if he doesn't know his own strength ;-) And Cocoa looks like she knows just how to keep those boys in line, like she has to separate them to keep them from squabbling! And I'm with okienurse, surely Valentine is "muscular" and "ripped"...not lumpy :-) I mean, what a 6 pack he has!!! LOL
