
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Animal Crackers - Head Over Heels in Love...

Howdy -

We are Head Over Heels in Love with ALVIN!!! Our newest family member and the new Buck on the property!

 Now we have been talking about a new blood line here with the goats for awhile. Peso does give us adorable babies.. but well... mostly boys. And Waylan will be a future Buck here soon. But when a friend called and asked if we could rehome a Buck... well it didn't take us long to decided we needed to hurry and build a new Buck pen and find a way to bring this guy home. Now we worries some when bringing an adult furry family member here. You really don't know what kind of personality you will be getting. And with a Buck that can bring some worries. But I was assured that not only is he gorgeous but super sweet. And I don't think that really goes far enough to tell you about Alvin.

 This guy is a LOVE. He reminds me SO much of Frankie.. just in Red and White instead of Black and White. He is super friendly and just loves attention, even if you don't have treats in your pocket! A real looker too don't you think? 

He love close ups.. which is a challenge when trying to get good photos! But oh my he is so wonderful. And I can't wait to see what future babies he gives us! Now we won't leave Peso out this fall... but Alvin... well he will be seeing a few ladies real soon!

Even Raffie has taken to Alvin!

These two neighbors get along great and have even shared some hay between their fences.

And as for Alvin and his new Bachelors Pad... 

The Man Loves it... Especially with all the nasty rain and drizzle this last week. That porch on the front of his private quarters has become his favorite spot to hang out. He lays up there and can see over to the girls pen. He chats and talks all the time to them ... I can hear it.. "Hey Baby.. check out my top floor pad here... " WE are SO in Love with Alvin! Thank you Susan... he will be adored and cared for forever here! And will see lots of girls to entertain and provide us with adorable babies in the future!!

One more shot this week I just had to share... to funny to not. Hubby and I did a little shopping this week. And when we came home and were taking items out of the bag... well someone decided we were not paying enough attention to her. 

 Gato jumped in the bag and stuck her head through the handle! Sat down and just made herself comfortable. Now Bags are not Toys... it says so right on the bottom of the bag. So before she was told that this was not a suitable place to take up her cuteness.. I just had to snap a photo... Kitty Gato does keep us on our toes !

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend - Hug a furry or feathered friend!
HUGS and


  1. YEAH SO happy for you and ALVIN. I sure sounds like he is Perfect for you all. Gato…. silly kitty.

  2. Wow! Alvin is really a lovely goat, His color is amazing.
    My 2 cats love plastic bags as well, and load of fun is them.
