
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Animal Crackers - Handsome Hairdos

Howdy -

For some fun today I thought I might show you the Handsome Hairdos of my boys...  Funny how different each one is but all just as handsome.

Now Waylon he goes for the bed head look... Footloose and fancy free. 

 It SO works for him though! He is a handsome little man if I do say so myself! Such a stinky looker...

Now his brother Willie... he is channeling his Dad Doc for his hair style.

 Now from the front, he is adorable but it just doesn't have the same look as it does from the side view...

I think he is close to working on the same curl that runs in the men in his family. So very handsome and sweet.

Then there is Domino... :0)

Much shorter.. and more of a toupee look for this guy! Such a stunning look! And he pulls of the sillier hairstyle much better with his larger than life personality.

Then off in the distance I found Bella really enjoying the afternoon -

A good Dirt Bath is so refreshing! Ok.. if you are a donkey I suppose... they really do enjoy their rolls in the dirt!

Then.. I heard it...

 I have no idea what the argument was all about but WOW these two girls were really discussing it loudly! And look at that stretched out neck. I think who ever has the longest neck shows that they are boss! She wins..

Then I took some extra time and had a little talk with Paintbrush.

 After the loss of Annie last week, a little extra loving on Paintbrush is needed. The old lady is so sweet. And adored. LOVE her.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend. Make sure and Hug a furry or feathered friend!
HUGS and

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