Each one of our furry and feathered children bring a smile to our faces. But sometimes their grin gives us more than just a smile... they crack us up!
I should have saved for braces for Belle...
Poor girl just is such a beauty... but those teeth, oh my. But she does make me smile. Wish we had gotten a chance for more babies from her. But after that rough first birth we were blessed with Sweet Pea and decided for Belle's best health we would just love her and not chance it again. And she does bring joy... and that is most important.
And speaking of joy, our sweet orphan boy Sergio. He is super sweet, and a bit spoiled.
He demands my full attention when I am out near his pen. He throws a bit of a toddlers fit when I don't. That big sweet head poking through the fence has my heart! Despite him bucking and kicking if I don't stop and devote every second to him.
Now Sergio's pen mate is Pavo. A nice pair to put together. Sergio is obnoxious and a bit nuts and Pavo is cautious and calm.
And just a sweet and gorgeous...
hmmmm Obnoxious that makes me think of Rhett for some reason.
Sweet and loving yes, and overly pushy and friendly. Love that gorgeous red coloring! And those blue eyes...
Then I found a few of the girls in the barn... a bit of an afternoon siesta going on. Irene was pretty much asleep, then she heard me coming and I got a sleep look from her... sorry sweetheart didn't mean to wake you...
A few were facing in and didn't care that I was there, or bother to look... and well... photos of the other end of my kids just wasn't pretty to show off.
As I came in I found Chica in one of the doggie beds. Looks like she was enjoying the afternoon nap time too...
This girl has two speeds - full bore crazy and sweet sleeping. Boy she is a looker. She could be a super model, but she had no focus at all and I don't think she could stand still that long.
I hope you got a smile this week. We adore our kids and love sharing them to give you a smile each week.
Have a blessed weekend -
HUGS and
Great post and such a gorgeous group of furry pals!