
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Animal Crackers - Lovin' my Kids

Howdy -

What a handsome man. Kind of a GQ super model don't you think?

I think Alvin is beginning to enjoy posing for me. When I head out with my Camera he stops and tilts his head and looks at me with his little sly grin. I call it is super model pose. He just needs a fancy suit and a watch to point and look at to be a cover shot!  He is so funny. Then I put the camera down and call out his name and he bounces over to get his head scratches.

Now I know I keep showing off Alvin's 3 girlfriends... I keep going out and trying to see if they are getting fatter. Which with my goats... well some them look like they are having multiple kids and have not be bred.. Yes they are spoiled rotten, fat and need treadmills just like me. But seriously.. maybe Alice is looking a little pregnant? Maybe?

Sigh .. time will tell.... common Alice.. bouncing babies in there!

A few thoughts and prayers for Miss. Paintbrush. She has not been feeling well at all this week. 

 When we get right down to it her problem is as Hubby says "Birthdays". She is beyond the average age, and all though she is moving around and still eating we are seeing that is having trouble getting up and is a little wobbly. Hoping when it warms up a bit it might help. We pray. Love this old lady so much.

Found the chickens taking a little line up nap late in the afternoon.

They all were all in a row and all snoozing... funny gals.

Then Miss Libbie was out listening to everything.

 My little bug eyed blind lady. She still is the boss on our property. In control at all times. She loves to sit outside and listen to all her animals. The goats were all talking thinking that I was outside to give them something good to eat and Libbie was enjoying their chatter. And even a few of the Donkeys in the back pasture talking had her attention. Funny she sits quietly outside listening. But once inside the house if she hears anything outside that she doesn't recognize right off... we have her high pitch alarm barking going off. Butterflies fluttering by a window.. we know... She had a bath the night before this photo.. she was so fuzzy and was so pretty with her fur blowing in the wind.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend planned. Some time with a furry or feathered friend. Their hugs are such a blessing.

HUGS and -


  1. AWWW...I was trying to think when it was I started reading this blog...I started crafting cards in 2009 or there about and I seem to remember reading about Paintbrush coming to live with you. I really enjoy reading your blogs and rarely post but I hope spring brings her get up and go back. you have some gorgeous fur/feather babies.
    vickie aka Okienurse

  2. I got busy yesterday and forgot to stop for a visit. I love seeing the furry and feather kids! Libbie is so sweet. Alvin is indeed very handsome and my fingers are crossed for some bouncing babies this spring. Have a great week.
