
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Animal Crackers - Nope... not coming out!

Howdy -

As they say here in Texas ... If you don't like the weather just wait a minute... Man that is the truth this last week!!  Middle of the week it was near 80 - Hubby was working in outside in shorts. Then the next day it blew in and then Yesterday we barely hit 40 and had sleet a few times during the day! And that wind was like it was coming off pure ice! Now I know complaining again about cold... many of you deal with much much colder weather, but for us here... and my fur babies outside.... those totally wide ranges in weather are not fun. Do we puff up and keep all our thick fur for cold? Or do we shed it off so we don't melt from the heat? Well you can tell in this photo Pavo - well he was puffed up to fight off that cold cold wind and sleet!

He bravely poked his head out of the barn just to see who was out there and make sure it did not involve any type of treats or feed. Sorry just a photo Pavo. He went right back in I assure you.

Found Mary poking her head out of Alvin's hut. This hut is facing away from the north as most all of them do, but his hut is also nestled behind one donkey barn and the chicken coop, it is a bit more protected from the wind. Mary seems happy about that -

Vera was standing out front of one of the goat huts... she was so puffed up her fur was so pretty and luxurious. Wish the jacket I had on was that thick! I was shaking taking photos! brrrr. 

Now in Raffie's pen his ladies were standing out near what is left of their round bale. I think maybe this was to inform me they would like a new fresh bale please...

I really wish you could see and feel Pepitas face, it is so soft and velvety. She looks so much like her Dad Black Jack and about the same size too. Lacey... she is a pretty girl too, just doesn't have that black velvet nose. Adore Lacey... she has the humor in her. Obnoxious Pushy Humor... LOL

And where did I find Raffie?? Uh not with the girls he has living with him. Nope... he was at the fence flirting with the other girls, at the moment particularly Juliet, the standard size girl...

That's Raffie always setting his goals high! ha!

Now  the chickens - it amazes me they doen't seem to mind the cold. They puff up too... but keep on scratching. It was funny to watch them chasing the sleet as it was falling. Look how handsome Red is. Little Big Man on campus... only man now. He is handling and trying to be the man!

 He is handsome.. just too much attitude! But that is just some men -

Hope you got a smile again this week. Hope you have nice weather where you are and can enjoy some outdoor time with a furry or feathered friend.  Sunday is suppose to be in the 70's here again. Can't wait!

HUGS and -


  1. I'm sorry you are having some nasty winter cold there too. I am so ready for winter to be over. Happy the furred and feathered ones are able to stay warm, wish I could. We have had some DEEP Cold, too much snow and now ICE. Ugh.
    I am loving Vera's face. Pretty girl and still a baby face ;)
    Stay warm. Hugs to all.

  2. Great pics and stories again this week! Love Raffie!!! Gotta love a guy with that much confidence :-)

  3. What a beautiful card. So nice colouring.

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