
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Animal Crackers - We Love you Rhett!

Howdy -

There are "pets" that you love and then there are those that you have a special bond and have that connection with. That is Rhett... well her and her sister, Scarlett. They were super special and sweet as babies and just got more friendly year after year. Sadly... we lost Rhett this week. We knew she was getting signs of age... but then suddenly she was gone.

This is going to be rough as we have gone through and checked all the ages of our goats and well... time flies. And so many are getting older than we want to admit. Shockingly us too...

Back to Rhett... She has been a bright spot in our lives and brought us so many beautiful babies.

But none any more cuter than she was...

She was always into something... and looking for... well not trouble... but things to do and see she was curious for sure.

She was so friendly..

And friendly with all her "family" even if not goat or human. 


Then those babies... she did give us so many sweet children. Louise and Thelma were her last.. and
now Thelma has her own babies.

 We will miss her every day... but hope to continue to see her through her grand"kids" and great great great grand"kids". 

Love you Rhett!

HUGS and


  1. Oh, sad news! What a lovely lady she was! It is always hard to lose some of your furred babies :(
    Greetings from Austria

  2. So very sorry for your loss. It is so hard to loose someone you love.

  3. So sorry Michele. She was a real cutie! Words are never enough to express how one feels at a time like this, but I wish you peace and comfort as you continue to raise "her family" and cherish the many memories.

  4. So sorry for your loss. Rhett was ADORABLE as a baby and stunning always. I remember many Rhett stories. So will miss her too. Big hugs and extra one s for the fur babies.

  5. Bye bye Rhett. I'm sorry for your loss. Luckily you have Rhett's kids and grand kids so that she will always be with you ♥.

  6. Rhett was just beautiful. You will have so many memories of her gorgeous ways.
