
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Animal Crackers - Chillin' in the Sun

Howdy -

It was such a beautiful day yesterday and everyone was enjoying the morning... just chillin' in the sun.

Peso was very chatty... 

I think he was just letting me know what a pretty day it was, and to say if you happen to have a snack that would be nice too...  sorry Peso... no snacks just lovin today!

Darlene was taking the chillin' thing to a new level. She was laying in her hay enjoying all the beauty of the day -

Old Lady you enjoy your rest, you have earned all the time in the sun you would like. What a special girl.

Jorge was just doing everything possible to get my attention.  Pacing, banging the fences and of course Hee Hawing!

Me Me Me... I'm next!!! Yes Jorge lots of head scratches and rear end scratches are yours next... This guy cracks me up.

Ted was taking care of his own head scratches...

Reach in to the hay ring for a bite to eat .... then rub up and down for that itch!  Such a clever dude! hehe...clever.

One of the outdoor Kitties!! Such a rare sighting!

But a little snooze in the sun was too wonderful to enjoy and as long as I stayed back just enough to make sure Kittie didn't bolt like lightening I was able to snap a photo!

Then Miss Chica... that girl loves to chill on a nice day. She was in deep thought on the back porch steps.

 I just wish I knew what deep thought really is for this cutie. LOL She is a beauty, just a bit nuts at times.

Hope you have a moment to chill and enjoy a beautiful moment in the sun. My moment... is out enjoying the fur kids. :0)

Have a blessed day -
HUGS and

1 comment:

  1. Hello, came by late today! Got busy earlier. I love the warm sun and relaxation pics. Cold and a touch of gray skies and snow today.
