
Monday, October 19, 2020

High Hopes Stamps - Milton's Fresh Pine

Howdy - 

This week for High Hopes Stamps I pulled out a fun winter image. Milton's Fresh Pine - I think he is getting ready to decorate for Christmas! 

I colored with my Copics (colors below) and found some papers from Paper Studio to match. Now I went with a woodsy papers... not quite traditional Christmas. But I thought Milton was good with these colors. The layers are sewn down and then since Milton loves singing while cutting down his Christmas tree I found the High Hopes Sentiment "O Christmas Tree" a nice match. 

Copic colors used - 

Having a hard time believing Christmas is so close, but need to start getting prepared! Like Milton!

To find lots of great images for your holiday cards click HERE to go straight to the web site. 

Have a blessed day - 

HUGS and 

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