
Monday, December 14, 2020

High Hopes Stamps - Little Sleuth

Howdy - 

Sometimes you just need a pick me up smile card right? Well I think High Hopes Stamps Little Sleuth is a great for that type of card. He is just so fun. 

I went with some shades of greenish gray this time. I had the pattern papers from Paper Studio on my desk and they felt right for the Little Sleuth. Our little guy is colored with Copics (colors below) and then matted and sewed everything together. The High Hopes Sentiment "No Mystery" is perfect! 

When looking at it when done... he needed something to follow, so I added a few enamel dots for him to get some clues from! 

Copic colors used - 

Love how cute this one turned out. And it is good for guy or gal! Hope you enjoyed it and to find more fabulous High Hopes Stamps jump on over to the website HERE 

Have a blessed day - 

HUGS and 

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