
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Animal Crackers - She took a piece of our heart -

Howdy -

This one is a hard Animal Crackers to write - This week we lost a piece of our hearts. Our inside kitty Gato passed away. 

She really wasn't a cat, at least she didn't know she was a cat. She was only about 3 weeks old when she came to us. Hubby brought her home after finding her in the engine of our delivery van ... many years ago. She was tiny and covered in grease. It was a miracle she survived the engine, but she was meant to be found and come to live with us. A blessing for sure.  Oh at the time I told him NO don't bring a cat home. Then it was just we will clean her up and find her a home.. yeah we found her a home. Right here with us. 

She was so tiny... wouldn't eat from a bowl, so I had to feed her with a dropper until I could get her to eat on her own. She quickly became the heart of the house and we all fell totally in love with her. Including our large border collie at the time. She adored her. 

Gato soon realized that she would have to learn how to pose for me. And she was great at it! 

I have a bunch with her in my photo tent back in the day. She loved my tent! Usually just cuz she liked the lights... but the girl LOVED to bite and shred paper too.. and one day I walked off and left my card in the tent BEFORE I took the photo... 

Silly kitty... and her sleeping places and positions. She loved warm laundry - and she loved my antique doll beds. 

Never did understand the plants... just doesn't look comfortable. 

She spent most of her evening naps in Hubby's lap or mine. I love this photo, as her sharing with Libbie was not something found often. 

I could go on and on.. she was our baby, she loved to be held like a baby and rocked. She loved having her photo taken, and she was gorgeous so she was a great model. We still can't believe she is gone, thankfully she was still pretty active and all around the house as normal until the last couple of days we could see things were changing. I held her and made sure she knew how much she meant to us and just how much we love her. And then she sighed and was gone. I am thankful that both Hubby and I were right there with her, and although skinnier she was always Gato and never really suffered. 

You will be missed Miss Gato - But I am thankful we were the ones blessed to have you in our hearts. 

Hug your furry children! 
Have a blessed weekend - 
HUGS and 


  1. So very sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful life she had with you. You are a blessing to the furry four foots.

  2. Oh my, I have tears in my eyes! I am so very sorry...I just LOVE cats and have four of my own. They are my familiy and it is awful to see them leaving us...

  3. I am so very sorry for your loss. It is so hard when they leave us. She knows she was loved and cherished.
    Marie Louise

  4. I am so sorry! It came across in your posts over the years how loved she was. I am saddened as well.

  5. It is indeed a sad post, Michelle, and I'm sorry for your loss. She was blessed to have had a wonderful life with you and she will forever be a part of your heart. It's so sad when you have to say goodbye! Sending you comforting hugs.

  6. So sorry to hear about Gato.
    It’s always hard to lose an animal because they entwine themselves round your heart.
    She had a wonderful life and knew she was very much loved.
    She will be very much missed

  7. My heart breaks for you and your sweet hubby. Ah Gato you where one lucky cat! She was so beautiful and well loved. Big hugs coming your way.

  8. So sorry for your loss. She was such a sweet kitty, you will miss her very much.

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sweet Gato will be missed so much ♥. I didn't know that you found her as a kitten, what a special cat.

    Jay Jay
