
Saturday, June 25, 2022

Animal Crackers - We need to talk

Howdy - 

So  early yesterday morning I went out and had a serious talk with Lacey and Vickie... I mean common this is getting just nuts! I want a baby donkey! Vickie showed all the signs and looked like it was coming really close. Then it all went away.


I told Hubby that it was all a joke and they just decided this plan to get into the smaller Momma pen and get better food and shade. LOL So April it was a year that they were put into the pen with Raffie for breeding. So basically babies anytime 11 - 13 months is average. But that date is all depending on what day they actually get bred. sigh... They didn't get bred right off like they were suppose too...

Common baby bump ...


 They are so beautiful. I told them as long as they are healthy and babies come at some point I am happy.

 They say nice talk Mom... but when is "Dad" going to bring us that really good breakfast? 
Penelope was making noises next to us. She wanted attention. She is such a sweet girl. And I think she was saying she will always be a pretty little baby for me.
True Penelope you will always be Momma's pretty little girl.

Now one afternoon this week I was sitting waiting on Hubby to get home so we could have dinner. I had some kitties that wanted photos taken.. so here are two of them.

McLaren - nickname is "Crazy"

Fits her to a tee! She is the most nuts of the four kitties, that is for sure. Loved yes, but at times totally exhausting. Ha! She thinks that pulling out your phone to read something is a sign to come and knock it out of your hand.

Then Mercedes was posed so very seriously.  Handsome though. Mercedes nickname is "Bubba" as the only brother.

This guy is a riot. Into everything and always seeing what is next to try. Thankfully he seems to have gotten board with the ice and water dispensers on the refrigerator. And Hubby and I have both learned to make sure he is not in the bathroom when getting in the shower, as he loves to jump in with you. Yes.. not a relaxing shower with a cat playing in the water with you. Oh love you Bubba!

Now one more, coming home yesterday afternoon Hubby was closing the gate and I asked the men if they wanted to come and say hi. Nope sorry Mom that is a long hot distance in the sun. We are staying here in the shade of our hut!

Nope not coming over unless there is something really worth it. I understand, I didn't actually get out the truck with the air conditioning. I just rolled down the window and zoomed... But hey it was 103 after all it was HOT!  

Hope you are cool where you are - and that you have your Saturday Animal Crackers Smile! 
HUGS and


  1. Yes it has been hot even here in IOWA. Upper 90's with high humidity gives us heat indexes of 105 to 110! Ugh. So, it is shade and AC for me. We got a long rainstorm, and it is rumbling again. So today will have a nice cool down. Fingers crossed for babies soon. Hmm Glad I am not a donkey (wink) I thought 9 months was a plenty long pregnancy!

  2. Hope you get more babies but maybe the girls are just trying to trick you.
    I wouldn’t come out of the shade either unless you had mints.
    Molly and Inare sitting in front of the heater here in Kangaroo Land and debating whether to go out into the cold for a walk.
    Take care.
    Love to all your babies.
