
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Animal Crackers - Love when they stop and pose!

Howdy - 

Love when my fur children actually stop and pose for me! Patti was posing so pretty with her front leg up and her ears long and tall. Such a pretty old girl. With Lacey standing behind her coming at me -


I had tried to get Lacey to pose for me first but she was too busy... When you have an itch you have to scratch I suppose! 


Must be nice to be able to reach around like that though! 

Another great pose - Vicki stood perfectly still for a portrait shot.

And as normal her shadow Pepita was close behind her. She hates to be very far at all from Vicki.

I found Sweet Pea enjoying the weather and taking a little nap in some of their breakfast. Cozy bed of hay. 

The weather was so nice I think if we had a hammock I might have joined her in an outside nap! That is probably why there isn't a hammock - Hubby and I both would want to snooze in it to often instead of working! 

Now this isn't napping here... 

I have zoomed a long way to capture this one. Miss Moxie waiting for me to head towards the back gate. So if she lays right in front of it I just have to stop and rub on her belly right? That was her plan, she laid there about 10 minutes waiting and it all worked out. I stopped and did just as she wanted. :0) 
Ending today with some pretty nature - One of Hubby's Miniature roses - These are so beautiful! 

These roses are just loaded with buds another week and it will be completely full of roses. But even just the single is stunning! 

Thank you so much for visiting this week - 

HUGS and


  1. We are still fighting nasty weather, Last night was thunderstorms, strong winds and tornados. Luckily those went around us. So ready for nice weather and being able to plant outdoors. I sure wish I had your hubby's green thumb. Those roses are so pretty.

  2. All your babies are so gorgeous. How can you not spend time with them
    Love the roses. They are my favourite flower. Especially the red ones.
