
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Animal Crackers - Chickie Chickie Chickie

Howdy - 

We finally have gotten some new chickies! We have needed more chickens for months, as we are down to only 3 chickens and Miss Guinea. Time, work and weather had us putting it off but this week we have our little nursery on our back porch!

They are just too adorable! We went for Australorp  and Wyandottes - but they didn't arrives on time, then looked at the New Hampshire Reds and the Easter Eggers - both look to give good eggs size and numbers and look really pretty as adults. I mean they are all adorable as chicks, right? But as we were gathering up our chicks... we kept looking at the Bantam chicks as well. 
 Totally too sweet and tiny for words!
Problem is they were straight run Bantam chicks.. meaning you aren't buying just hens - there are roosters in there too. But they were just too too cute. So we picked up 4 and decided we would hope for at least 3 hens.. one rooster we could handle. We will see how that goes - 
Even from the back they are cute... look at those tiny tail feathers! 
They are so soft and we picked lots of different colors in Easter Eggeers - 

I had to look up why they are called that - It is the fact that they can lay any color of egg. Blue, Green, Pink Tinted, Brown or white. And you don't know what you get until they lay that first egg. Then that is their color for life.

They already have started showing some first feathers!

Just like most babies they will grown up fast! Too fast - but then again their point is eggs and they have to be around 18-20 weeks old to start laying.  So I guess we want them grow up... sigh... 

Wow I showed more photos than normal - but I thought I would show one more - It is that time of year finally!

Normally I take a photo of Hubby loading our trailer in my mirror while I am driving slow next to the bales of hay. But I liked this photo this year. We were just about done. And this man couldn't load his hay for himself so Hubby jogged over and helped him load up his 40 bales. Love this man - always there for anyone. This week it has pretty much been for me... as I have been dealing with some health issues. But he still took time for others as well. Again - Love ya Honey! 

Hope you have a blessed weekend and have a Animal Crackers Smile this Saturday! 

HUGS and -


  1. I love the pretty color eggs from the easter-eggers and those chicks are just too adorable. Your Dh is truly awesome. Lucky you.

  2. Loved the pictures of your cute chicks.
    What a shame they have to grow so quickly.
    How nice to be able to get different coloured eggs.
    Never heard of that.
    Hope you get eggs soon and you didn’t get too many roosters.
