
Saturday, November 4, 2023

Animal Crackers - Close to the House

Howdy - 

This week for Animal Crackers I stayed close to the house. Picked up a bug, and I am much better but most of the week I was pretty much out of it and not wanting move far from my snug warm quilt. No worries I am better... but my photos this week are close to the house - First up is this cute photo of Miss Ferrari - Hubby took his ficus tree outside to cut it back and fertilize it. That left this bowl empty! Oh my an empty bowl you just must curl up in!


She was so happy in this bowl. Not sure if it was comfort or just that she got there before anyone else to claim it. Funny kitties. 

 A couple of weeks ago I got a box delivered. I opened it.. yes it is the paper gift bags I ordered. And then the box was squashed and made into the perfect bed as well. We have cat beds for these kitties I promise! But nope... bowls and boxes are much more comfortable! Or at least fun. This box was a sort of throne for a few days. There were lots of "discussions" on who was going to claim it. 

Bubba won most of the time. Then again he wins most of the time anyway he is the only guy and the largest kitty. Or it may just be that he has the hardest head and doesn't give up until he gets what he wants.

Next is a photo Hubby took of Miss Moxie... The donkeys breakfast hay is always a great soft place to take a nap. Especially on a chilly morning!

I think this is a sort of super model shot with a little funny of a tongue sticking out! She is such a wonderful dog. Love her so much she always warms my heart! 

This is an older photo I took and sent to Hubby one afternoon. I don't think I shared it but it was too cute when I came across it so I wanted to share it.

One of the outdoor kitties enjoying one of Hubby's concrete flower pots. Tangerine loves to lay across this one. Pretty kitty. 

Now to some very sad news... This week we lost Sweet Pea. Hubby said to me on Wednesday that the cold front was really effecting Sweet Pea and she was not moving around as much or being herself and he was keeping a close watch on her.

She rolled up in her hut Wednesday night to go to sleep and just never woke up. She was never acting sick or anything. Just not herself. And I guess it is best that she didn't suffer and just fell asleep. I will so miss this girl. 

Her funny grin, and those pop eyes that always reminded me of her Grandma Lilly.... Love you Sweet Pea - Thank you for being a part of our family.

Have a blessed weekend and please hug your furry kids.

HUGS and


  1. I am so sorry about Sweet Pea. Sending hugs! Lori K

  2. I am so very sorry about Sweet Pea. Just know she had a wonderful life
    with you. Hugs, Marie Louise

  3. So sorry to hear about Sweet Pea.
    She had a wonderful life and if you have to leave it. Isn’t it better to just fall asleep than to be sick and ill.
    You have lovely memories of her.
