
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Animal Crackers - Front and Center


Cloudy day out with the fur kids this week. Miss Hannah was posing pretty for me. She is such a sweet girl. Now no worries this was just a pretty pose, she then trotted towards me for her normal pushy lovings.

She learned her "outgoing" personality from her BFF Juliet. Always pushing to front and center of course. 

No matter who is in her way,  being bigger than everyone else she just shoves until she is where she wants. 

I think Patti was screaming out tattling on her that she was up front first! 

 Yes ... It was very loud! 

Macie didn't care - she was too sleepy to bother with being upset about being shoved out of the way. 

Love Raffie watching from his pen. I am sure he would be front and center as well. Ok unless one of the girls had his attention instead. He would LOVE to be in the same pen with the ladies! 

Sergio was really pushing for his nose kisses. Ever since he was my orphan bottle baby he loves his nose kisses from adopted "Mommy" (me)  .... issue here Sergio - that nose is way too dirty for kisses! LOL

Now last week I showed off one of the outside boys Gray Beard.... His brother Orange wanted to pose for a nice photo this week.

I still can't touch Orange. He wants it so bad. But he LOVES to have conversations and purr while talking. Sweet guy and so close to some petting.

Had to show off one of Hubby's roses. Roses in December! 

He has gorgeous Roses blooming, Geraniums and even his Gerber Daisy's - Very pretty and nice this time of year. We have had our first freeze this last week. But thankfully it wasn't for very long and the grass and flowers are still doing great. As long as there is still grass growing green it saves on the hay bill! 

Hope you have beautiful weather where you are - and have furry friend to love on! 

Have a blessed weekend

HUGS and

1 comment:

  1. How rewarding that your babies come up to greet you. Shows how much they love you.
    Our weather is so hot Molly and I can’t go for our walks until late at night.

    Now it is thundering and raining thank goidness.
    I love my roses. I think they are the most beautiful flower ever.
    I have Mr Lincoln red ones everywhere.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and hopefully we can all have a peaceful New Year.
    Love Hilda and Molly.🐿🐶🐾💖
