Howdy -
It is always best to have fresh green grass. Right? Well once in a while you just need that old fashioned hay. Especially when it is coming in on a truck right past you!! LOL The Men up front don't get hay every day, I mean really look at their pasture - gorgeous! But when their favorite hay cutter calls and has a few bales and it is coming in on the truck through the gate right past you it just wouldn't be nice to drive right past them would it?
They LOVE the hay from our hay grower, and they know when it isn't his hay. No worries - they are spoiled and got some last week to enjoy. You can tell when it is just a treat and when it is a meal. They were not "hungry" as they graze 24/7 on the fresh grass... but they did munch on this hay for a few days just to enjoy the flavor. If they were hungry it would have been gone in hours not days. LOL
Hubby sent me this rare photo the other day... to snap one of the old kitties is great but to find them both together and snap a photo is super rare! We were trying to decide just how old they are now... OLD is all we could decide on for sure but we know they are way over 12 years old.
Old Mom is on the left... you can tell she is really getting up there, but her child Fraidy is almost the same age.
I had a few photos from my visit with the ladies that I didn't get to share. Macie, Man I love this girl. She has such a sweet calm loving personality.
She still looks "heavy" but she actually has lost a little weight. She will always be a bit wide it is just in her genes. Kinda like me.. LOL
Love this photo of Miss Bella.. formally "Anna Bell" She is so beautiful, here she was really keeping a watch on Dad. There was a chance he was coming her way and she wanted to be on the ready to be first in line for breakfast.
You can see Raffie in the back ground doing the same thing in his pen... funny donkeys.
Got a good shot of Hannah (Bella's daughter) - she is hard to get photos like this of as she usually trots towards you pretty fast for close ups! But she was 1/2 asleep when I got out there so she wasn't really on her game. I can't believe she is so grown up. No longer my baby girl, but sweet young lady!
Last photo is me stopping to check on our tomatoes. Oh start turning red!!! These are the grape tomatoes. There a sooooo many of them. Can't wait!
Hope you enjoyed this week and have you weekend Animal Crackers Smile - we really do love that you visit us each week. It really means so much to us!
HUGS and
I notice how the feral kitties faces look well, more feral. They have a different look than indoor kitties. They look cool. Sort of scruffy and scrunched up? Thats a long life span for outdoor cats since predators, cat fight injuries etc. Are more common. Great pics! Have a great week - Lori K