
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Animal Crackers - Noses

Howdy - 

This week I went out to see the fur children and realized how many donkey noses I show... LOL It is just how they love for me to love on them. Noses first. When they were babies we started the kissing on the end of the noses and so now because I have "trained" them for their kisses that is how I am greeted I suppose. 

Today it was the men, Sergio and Jorge. 


Sergio was my orphan baby I raised, so he got LOTS of kisses and loving while he was getting his buckets of milk around the clock as a baby. Now it is our thing... I call out and tell him to come for his kisses and he trots to me and nose comes out at me.


Adorable... and Jorge all though more independent he still does come for the kisses... then swaps around for scratches! LOL And you gotta love all those whiskers!

I went out and opened up a small pen off the goats pen yesterday - It had lots of "grass" weeds actually but they saw them as green and were trying to reach the green through the fence. So worked it out so they could go in and chow down!

They were all very happy to have the big buffet. But sweet little Penelope took a few minutes to come and visit me first. I adore this little girl! So very sweet. 

and beautiful!!!

Snapped this photo for Hubby. His outdoor kitty Grey Beard was perched up on one of the goats fence pole enjoying a breeze from the front that had just come through. He was so content and enjoying it.

Such a sweet kitty - especially for an outdoor kitty. 

Now not so happy to see this next visitor! Yes I know they are cute and all... but I don't need him hanging around eating the kitty food and washing up in everyone's water. They carry bad things that I really don't want him to give bad cooties to my fur kids.

I've been doing my best to scare him off. Cat food is picked up just before dark. And when he shows up... I bang on window, worked first time... then stomping, banging the door, then running out yelling. Yes Crazy woman on the loose. Not sure it is working but at least he runs off for the night. Sigh... 

Hope you enjoyed this week and got a smile - 

Have a blessed day - 

HUGS and


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