
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Animal Crackers - Beautiful Faces

Howdy - 

Made my way out this morning to take photos... Not too far out as I am still hobbling on my knee. Man I am so sick of it! I am use to it hurting but I really pulled something in it a couple weeks ago and it just doesn't want to get better. But I am moving and trying to get things done! Today I decided to show off some beautiful faces - Sergio started it off...pushing his face into the camera! 

Such a sweet guy! My boy. He does love his nose rubbed and then kissed. Yes Sir - Mom always loves on you dude! 

Turned around and saw that someone was staring at me. Miss Cocoa. 

Cautious Big Girl. She is moving slow this week as well. The humid weather is really doing a number on all our old bones Cocoa!

As always never far from his Momma is Valentine. Now he usually will always step towards me for some head scratches. 

A Big Baby but a totally Love! A Lumpy Love!

Funny normally always first up for head scratches is Teddy. But nope today I had to walk out to him and find him. He found a patch of fresh grass! 

We have had a little rain this week. Weather people were saying like 4-8 inches for us from the tropical storm Alberto... but NOPE...we got just over an inch. Not complaining really an inch is an inch we will take it. But man we were looking forward to a really good downpour to soak things down. Anyway - Ted found some grass coming up and was taking care to MOW it down right away! 

Went to see the goats - Lizzy was chowing down and I tried everything to get her to look at me for a photo. She was totally ignoring me. So I said fine I will just take your photo and everyone will know you don't care to look and smile! 

LOL she is a pretty lady. And breakfast was just too important at that moment. 

Was heading back to the house and found this little guy next to our back sidewalk. Another tropical storm is brewing in the gulf. Maybe we up for some more rain this next week and isn't there an old saying that when the snails are climbing up lots of rain is coming? 

Hope he is climbing high! Go little guy go! 

Came inside to this face at the back door. Breakfast Mom?

Its coming right now big boy! He is so funny. Actually he really begs for breakfast - but once it is delivered, he will take a bite or two, then back off and let his sisters and Momma Cat eat first. He then heads back and chows down. A gentleman? hmmmm when it comes to meal time maybe yes, rest of the day he is wild and crazy and annoying all the girls. Brothers are that way - right? 

Prayers for Miss Moxie this week please. She is not feeling well at all. Being over 15 an outside doggie and this humid heat is rough. Man we love her and hate that she isn't feeling well. 

Have a blessed weekend - Thank you so much for visiting each week. 

HUG and

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