
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Animal Crackers - End of the Year

Howdy - 

 Well time to say Goodbye to 2024 - It has been a year hasn't it. Wow. Normally on the last Saturday of the year I do a review and show off all the favorites of the year. Normally showing off babies... but pout pout no babies this year. We have had some great photos and wonderful times with our fur children. And we have had to say goodbye to some of our fur family this past year - But we will try and not focus on that and show off a few photo favorites from the year... 

Patti... shouting lets go!

Momma loving living her new life inside with us!

Miguel.. handsome and loving his attention! 

Macie knowing she is a super model... even with that grass belly in the photo! 

Juliet.. oh my she always keeps me laughing! I still remember how she was running towards me while I snapped this one!!

Juliet's BFF Hannah and her gorgeous big ears pushing through the fence nipping at my shoes to get her attention!

The Girls ... taking turns at the water... yeah right! 

 Bubba... gunna rest this weekend but ready for the new year to start!


Chipmunk - how about a little head banging party on the 31st and then we will rest on the 1st?


And Cocoa.... We hope you will continue to visit us and come back in 2025 to see what we are up to!

Happy New Year!!

HUGS and!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Animal Crackers - Simply Blessed, Merry Christmas!

Howdy - 

I always like sharing our "family" Christmas Card with all of you - our Animal Crackers family! I do hope that each of you have a very Blessed and a Very Merry Christmas from all of us! 

 As always - HUGS!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Animal Crackers - What a Look!

Howdy - 

I don't think Ferrari was ready to wake up this morning! It was a chilly morning and she was cuddled up in her quilt at the end of the bed warm and that light did not make her happy! Is that an unhappy look or what?? LOL


That Kitty is not a morning kitty at all! I'm with you baby! No worries - she got happy as soon as she heard her bowl clink in the kitchen! 

But as soon as we went out side it was like a repeat of last weekends photo... but this time it was Cocoa screaming out! FEED ME!!! I'm STARVING!!! UH If you could see her belly you would know that was not true... hungry maybe.. starving no. But she was fed right away not a moment wasted old girl!

Shame you couldn't hear her... she has that old long hee haw that is just so heart wrenching. You have to stop and pay attention to her when she calls out! 

I then had to pay attention to Chipmunk He was head banging a bit on the fence to get his attention. I asked him why he has to do that... may not hurt his head but watching it makes mine hurt!!

Such a handsome man! Love that long flowing black beard! And yes it has hay flowing stuck in it.... that is a good place to store your hay for later, didn't you know that??  

I tried to find some of the girl donkeys to photo this week. But it has been windy and cold for the last few days and they were hunkered down in the back of their pasture in the bushes grazing and honestly it was too cold to walk back to photo them so early in the morning. I am so over cold already... and yes I know it hasn't even really started yet. yuck! 

Thought I would show this weeks Greenhouse update since there was lots of changes this week.  You can't tell by this photo but most of the roof is on. all the windows and the door... and now all the siding is going on next! So it should be able to be heated up and have the plants in it before the first freeze! Oh he will still have trim and pretty stuff to do to it, but it will be usable!


Can't wait until next Spring! Then he will start doing the planting around it and putting in gardens around it! Then it will look like the photos in the books he has been showing me forever! 

Hope you have enjoyed! Have a blessed weekend!

HUGS and -

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Animal Crackers - Demanding!

Howdy - 

Not only blocking the gate out of the backyard, but very demanding that his breakfast is first!! That is our Teddy! 


Now trying to explain to this enormous fellow that in order to get him his breakfast he has to get out of the way of the gate so we can open the gate is not easy! The very LOUD hee haws and the banging on the gate makes his point but he still has to MOVE!! LOL... such a funny big boy! 

After the children had been fed we took off to feed us! Then coming back into our front gate the men in the front pen were up front so we pulled over to visit. Love getting to love on my guys. My very first baby donkey Diego... such a sweet baby! All though now not a baby, but always my baby boy... 

He came straight to me and I had a chance to love all over him before the other guys made it to me. They all get so pushy. And Diego is not as pushy so he moves to the back of the group. So I LOVE when I get private time with him. My first sweet little baby boy!

Miguel made his way to "Dad" first and was pushing his way over the fence for loving. When did all my fur children all start getting so gray? Again ... getting older but still my babies! 

And standing off to the side handsome man Patricio "Pat Man" - I got a slight little head scratch before he moved off. Handsome just like his Daddy Black Jack.

Came around the corner into the kitchen and found Bubba asleep in the middle of floor... yep in the position. Exact position. Just as I snapped the photo one eye opened. LOL I think I woke the sleeping giant... ha!

One more photo... The first stages of Hubby's Greenhouse... We moved the ladies goat pen back now that there are as many of them and Hubby is going to have a bigger garden and greenhouse in the backyard. Started his Antique Roses and other plants a few months ago and now he needs a close place to keep them warm in the winter. I think this is going to be great - and look great. He is using old windows in it so I think it will look "cute" as well as being practical!

Will show more photos as it moves forward! 

Hope You have a Animal Crackers Smiles ! Have a blessed Weekend

HUGS and

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Animal Crackers - Early Morning

Howdy - 

Went out early this morning to take photos. Had to... only way to make sure and get those faces before breakfast time! 

I'm not sure why this photo make me smile each time I take this same photo! But today it really make me grin. Josie wanted so bad to come to me. But I think Mom was giving look... "Girl... Eyes this way... Breakfast is coming soon!" LOL 

As "Dad" came by and was loading up breakfast and they were trying to be patient. I got a sweet photo of Mom and Daughter. Jolene and Josie. 

Fanci Pants was stomping and snorting she was seeing the hay being loaded up... oh it was so exciting! BREAKFAST!!!

And the Patti was giving me that side glancing look... it is so much better to look mature and stand calm. LOL  But I could tell she was ready to run as soon as the hay hit the ground!

Now Lizzy she was calling out to "Dad" to make sure he knew she was here. I really hated to break it to her.... but she didn't finish yesterday's hay. No wasting hay... Don't finish what you have you don't get more.

Came inside to find Momma laying upside down in the window bed. She does love living inside. Very happy - Very comfortable - That makes me Very happy!

 Hope you enjoyed! And have your Animal Crackers Smile! 

Have a Blessed Weekend! 

HUGS and

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Animal Crackers - Chica here...

Howdy - 

Ok So I missed last week.... and this week I have Chica here.... 

Hoping this sweet little face makes you smile. And forgive me. This week ain't much better. It's been a rough week and well just can't get things all done. 

Prayers for my Mom please. She has been pretty sick and in the hospital all week. Getting her home this weekend, and hopefully healthier! 

Also this week AC went out AGAIN... have a plan LMNOP for that but had to do without for a few days. But happy to report that is all better now and at this point should not be an issue any further! Please no more issues with that! 

So we are hoping and praying that things will start looking a bit more like normal. Ferrari and McLarren will be very please with that! All though the day the windows were up that tiny bit while "Dad" was working on things was a very interesting day around here! LOL

 So many smells and louder noises! 

So forgive the very short post this week. But hey I got one on this week! But off to see Mom! 

Have a blessed weekend - HUGS

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Animal Crackers - Round Bales

Howdy -

It's that time of year - We brought in round bales for the ladies pen in the back. There is nothing for them to eat back there now. It is all pretty much dead now. And they eat our square bales way to fast, so round bales as much as they cost are better for the larger group of ladies. All though I do wish they would step away from the buffet for a bit now and then! Sigh... 

They stick those head in and chow down! I finally got Patti to turn and look at me for a photo. She snorted at me then went right back to her hole and started eating again.

Found Chipmunk snorting as well... He was really in a mood! Flirting big time with the girl goats! Who didn't give a care at all that he was working so hard to get their attention. Was really kind of sad... Poor guy. Snorting, Rolling his Lip, Banging his horns on the fence... and then finally giving up and going to lay in the shade. Dumb Girls....

Went to see the Chickens. Our neighbors have LOTS of chickens, and LOTS of Roosters. Who "visit" quite often and make lots of noise. My girls try and ignore them. But you know how hard that can be with obnoxious young boys ... especially for the older ladies like Spec. 


We really don't now how old she is.. she was full grown when we got her and we have had her for years now. We love her, she is such a sweet friendly chicken. 

The other chickens are great - but none are sweet as Spec... ;0)


Now Hubby and I needed our little cooler this last week. Pulled it out and left it on the kitchen floor. Um..... I think Bubba likes it and decided it was a very soft bed! But then again he will sleep nearly anywhere!

 Hope you enjoyed this week and have another Animal Cracker Smiles! 

HUGS and

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Animal Crackers - Sitting out with Hubby

Howdy - 

Was sitting out with Hubby while he was working the other day - the three stooges came to see what was going on. They are so curious you know. Teddy bear came up closest first and I said boy come here! What is all over you!!

Oh my Big Guy! Where have you stuck you nose! Heck your entire Face!

Poor Guy has tiny little stickers all over his face!! And neck!! I sat there and picked off as many as I could as long as he would let me. Got about 1/2 of them and then he saw that "Dad" was coming with a bit of hay for the three of them so he said "Thank you" but food was more important than the troubling stickers. And he took off to the feed rack. Lol Funny man! 

I went over to chat with Jorge for a bit. He was being very very vocal. And very loud! So I gave him some attention. And then we chatted some about his very impressive whiskers. He really does have the most impressive whiskers!! hehe

Next I headed over to check on the goats. Only three lady goats now. Penelope and Lizzy were chillin' in the shade of the tree. But then I heard Jackie banging her horns on the hut. And doing some damage as well! I explained that she knocks another roof off before winter she is going to regret it! Yea right... She knows Dad will go in and fix it...

Then a quick look to check on the lady donkeys. Couldn't find Vickie for a bit... Then I saw her white head pop out. She was hiding deep in the shade of the brush to stay cool! 


Smart Vickie! I called out to her to get her to come out and see me. Nope she was just fine where she was, especially since I had no snacks for her. Snacks make the world move you know. 

Hope you have your Saturday Animal Crackers Smile! Have a wonderful Weekend - 

Hugs and -

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Animal Crackers - Sweet Face

Howdy - 

Quick Post today - Running Late to get to work. And most everyone was head deep in breakfast. I went out and Cocoa actually let me talk and give her a head rub. That is a nice big plus for to start the day. So sweet. 


She must have already been out grazing most of the morning as she was sweaty. But she realized that breakfast was there so she headed over for that! yummy! Valentine didn't want to look up at all for me as you can see! 

I got a pretty photo of Chica - All shiny and clean! She got a bath late the day before. Boy this girl HATES bath time!!

But once done she bounces all over the house, happy and clean. And she sleeps so well!! So pretty! 

I snapped this photo the other day... It always cracks me up to find one of the kitties laying in their window bed watching the donkeys just outside the window.

I sat there for a long while hoping that one of the donkeys would turn around... sometimes they will come up to the window and put their head against the window to look in... it is a total stare down at that point. Really funny to watch. LOL One day I will get that photo!!

This next photo is Bitter Sweet. End of the day last bales to load.


A great feeling - The last few bales of hay in the field to gather up for the barn. The last bales of the year. So we now we pray we that we have plenty of hay for the winter all put up and ready. It is a great feeling to see a full barn - 

Sorry a little short this week. October is our busy month, and this year they moved our show up a week so we seem to be a bit more behind than normal. Oh well we work well in a panic right? LOL 

Hope you have an Animal Crackers Smiles! And we pray for all those effected by the Hurricane - People and Animals! 

HUGS and