Saturday, May 4, 2024

Animal Crackers - Grass Vs. Hay?

Howdy - 

It is always best to have fresh green grass. Right? Well once in a while you just need that old fashioned hay. Especially when it is coming in on a truck right past you!! LOL The Men up front don't get hay every day, I mean really look at their pasture - gorgeous! But when their favorite hay cutter calls and has a few bales and it is coming in on the truck through the gate right past you it just wouldn't be nice to drive right past them would it? 

They LOVE the hay from our hay grower, and they know when it isn't his hay. No worries - they are spoiled and got some last week to enjoy. You can tell when it is just a treat and when it is a meal. They were not "hungry" as they graze 24/7 on the fresh grass... but they did munch on this hay for a few days just to enjoy the flavor. If they were hungry it would have been gone in hours not days. LOL 

Hubby sent me this rare photo the other day... to snap one of the old kitties is great but to find them both together and snap a photo is super rare! We were trying to decide just how old they are now... OLD is all we could decide on for sure but we know they are way over 12 years old.

Old Mom is on the left... you can tell she is really getting up there, but her child Fraidy is almost the same age. 

I had a few photos from my visit with the ladies that I didn't get to share.  Macie, Man I love this girl. She has such a sweet calm loving personality. 


She still looks "heavy" but she actually has lost a little weight. She will always be a bit wide it is just in her genes. Kinda like me.. LOL

Love this photo of Miss Bella.. formally "Anna Bell" She is so beautiful, here she was really keeping a watch on Dad. There was a chance he was coming her way and she wanted to be on the ready to be first in line for breakfast.


 You can see Raffie in the back ground doing the same thing in his pen... funny donkeys. 

Got a good shot of Hannah (Bella's daughter) - she is hard to get photos like this of as she usually trots towards you pretty fast for close ups! But she was 1/2 asleep when I got out there so she wasn't really on her game. I can't believe she is so grown up. No longer my baby girl, but sweet young lady!

Last photo is me stopping to check on our tomatoes. Oh start turning red!!! These are the grape tomatoes. There a sooooo many of them. Can't wait! 

Hope you enjoyed this week and have you weekend Animal Crackers Smile - we really do love that you visit us each week. It really means so much to us! 

HUGS and

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Animal Crackers - Just the right height

Howdy - 

I spent some time out with the ladies one afternoon this week. I look over and the water tank is wiggling and I find Miss Josie just going to town rubbing back on forth on the edge of the tank. Splashing water and getting herself all wet. But man it must have been just right as she was really enjoying it! 


We laugh all the time how they will rest on each other. I mean seriously holding your own head up all day can just be exhausting! Vickie was using Pepita here for a little rest. Not sure Pepita was too thrilled... 

Love the angle on this photo of Jolene. Really shows off how gorgeous and long her ears are! Such a beautiful lady!

And just then something nibbled on me - Oh my I was not paying 100% attention to Miss Hannah! So so sorry Hannah! You are beautiful and worth all the attention!

Hubby sent me this photo earlier in the week!! All he said with the photo was "Peaceful" 

It really is so peaceful to sit and watch the donkeys grazing. Now I am sure they are talking to each other and saying "Why do they keep staring at us eating??" LOL

And the last photo of the day... excuse the unmade bed. We had just gotten out of bed and I came back into the room and Ferrari and McLaren decided to stay in bed and snuggle up together. I just LOVE how Ferrari has her "arm" around her sister McLaren.

They are the bestest of sisters. Love each other, defend each other and at times fight like crazy! Ok.. Hubby says they play really hard, but seriously it sounds like a crazy cat fight! LOL But this photo shows that really do love each other. 

Hope you have a big smile again this week! and have a blessed weekend! 

HUGS and


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Animal Crackers - Take Time...

Howdy - 

Oh I wish you could smell these. Hubby's roses are just stunning right now. These are HUGE - and smell so pretty. 

We should all take time to smell the roses in life. Hubby... the growing of his flowers of all kinds is his taking time and enjoying things. He sure makes our back yard pretty with his passion of flowers. 

And then Little Dude yelled out... How can such a small little rooster make so much noise? And how does he have the energy.... you can find him calling out 24/7. 

He is such a handsome little man. And very proud of all his ladies. All though the look on her face I think she really would like the screaming out to stop for a while!

Please Please make him stop!!! LOL

Darlene was standing near me and then she screamed out. I really do need to try and capture that on video. She has such a pitiful long call. Please Mom find me feed and bring me some treats... Pleeeeaase?!!!

Oh sweetheart I would if I could but Dad is very strict on making sure you eat the best. He will feed you dinner soon of your favorite high vitamin mush.... And she did get that really soon. 

Now I headed out to the ladies pen to snap some photos... decided I would walk out into their pasture and get some good photos of them out grazing. But before I got there decided nope... drizzle started up and it was just nasty outside. So maybe later. 

As I was coming back into the back yard I saw movement in the geraniums. Careful... keep walking slowly. Don't spook her.... get camera up and try and capture a photo... 


This is Mom Cat. The outdoor Mom of the three outside boy cats.  She is starting to almost think about calm down. And maybe trust us like her boys do. And lately she will sit in the yard and let us talk to her and walk by her with out totally flipping out and running. That is big progress for her! She is such a tiny pretty little kitty.

To finish off this weeks photos I was coming into the kitchen and found Bubba sound asleep. Snoring sound asleep.

Odd.. in the winter they will lay in front of the refrigerator. The warmth of the vent underneath. But now? And in that position. That boy is just so silly. He was snoring away .. I said his name and he stretched and yawned and looked at me like "What? - Why are you waking me up?" Funny boy - 

Hope those girl donkeys come back up later so I don't have to walk in the mud out to them. But I am going to get out to see them! LOL but hey they are really enjoying all the fresh green grass so I guess it makes sense why they don't want to come up to see me. Food is priority. 

Have a blessed weekend - SMILES from our furry kids. 

HUGS and

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Animal Crackers - HUGS

Howdy - 

Yesterday I approached Cocoa and Valentine as they were enjoying some Donkey Hugs... and scratches. But Cocoa always cautious stopped and kept an eye on me. Always gotta keep a watch on "people" I know I'm "Mom" but still have to be on guard. We have no clue what her early life was ... but from the day we have had her she has been treated like the Queen around here. But its her personality to be cautious and jumpy... so we think maybe not so nice.

Now Valentine - He is my big baby and usually will always let me get some lovin' 

As I was talking to Valentine. Jealous came up - Teddy was trotting fast at me. He is suppose to ALWAYS have first head scratches. ALWAYS

And as I told him - if he hadn't been in the back trying to sneak stray pieces of Alfalfa from the goat pen he would have been there to notice I was out giving attention. LOL It was all good he got lots of scratches, and then I realized I now couldn't touch anything else cuz he is was one sticky donkey. Why? I really don't want to know - sigh Lots of soap and water are needed!

Moxie and I have had a rough week. This dog is spoiled like royalty. Fed the best, Bed on front porch, and when we had the ice storm and lost power and water for days a few years ago.... we nearly froze to death, but Moxie was toasty warm on the porch under gas heat lamps. She is a very timid girl when it comes to doing anything "to her". Medicines, picking her up for any reason, looking at boo boos whatever - It is a loud NO. Not sure why, but she just is that way. We talked about making her an inside dog once... she would freak out. She got closed in the back yard once and nearly had a stroke. She owns this property and loves to roam on her land with all HER animals. This last week she really HAD to have her Flea treatment. I sent Hubby out with it behind his back in one hand and her breakfast in the other hand. Heck I even added some of my Boars head Turkey meat to the plate! Well she got her treatment - flew off the porch and then I worried all day as she would not come anywhere near the house. Usually she gets upset for an hour or so... but she was really mad and even that night would not come anywhere near me at all. She always comes to see me! I was sick to my stomach and nearly in tears cuz she hid from me all day and I imagined she ran off for good. But Hubby came home that evening and she finally showed herself. 

She was still a little upset with me the next day... but at least she would let me love on her a little before she ran off. And you can see the look on her face. That is not her normal happy smiling look at all! I'm taking out chunks of chicken to her for dinner so that should help a little bit maybe. 

Went out by the chicken coop, and Guinea was standing still!!! Not running the coop fence at all. She was just standing there in a group of the chickens to see if I was bringing dinner... sorry Dad will do that later Guinea... But I did snap real quick! She is getting pretty old now... But still doing good and loves living in with the chickens. Oh and then she starting running the fence again -

Chickens are finally doing great at their "JOB" We have lots of gorgeous eggs in blue and brown. Late bloomers, but happy now! 


Oh and I thought I would show an update on Hubby's Tomato Plants. The rain this last week has really given them the right stuff cuz they have jumped in size big time! Can't wait for fresh Tomatoes!!

Hope you enjoyed - I guess you are still out there enjoying? I wondered the other day if anyone would miss me showing off my kids each week? Hmmmm

HUGS and

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Animal Crackers - Spring Fever

Howdy - 

Its that time of year - sleepy afternoons snoozing in the shade.

I went out mid morning to take photos... most everyone was just totally snoozing in their favorite shady spots. The weather was gorgeous, and honestly if we had a comfortable place for me to lay back I think I  would have joined them.

Sergio was totally snoozing and not even noticing that I was out watching him. 


It is his favorite place in the afternoon - shade from the tree in the back corner - he can see our direction to the house, and then the back pen where all "the ladies" are grazing. 

Alvin Jr. "AJ" was completely out. 

Even had his tongue sticking out while he was asleep. I stood there a while... I think he was snoring! He was very comfortable for sure!

Now Jorge's spot is right up at his gate. Large tree and his best spot  to keep a watch on things. I couldn't sneak up on him though. He was way to interested in some scratches and attention. 


We had a little chat about how nice it was outside. All the green grass, his velvet nose and how much he loves his nose rubbed, and of course how totally good looking he is. 

Hubby sent me this photo early in the week. He was headed out to feed and check out everyone. Heard a meow, but only saw Cocoa under the tree. It wasn't until he got right under the tree the meow sounded off again and he saw big boy Grey Beard posed just perfectly in the tree.


Been giving lots of attention to Miss Chica. She really has missed Libbie, but I think she,well all of us, are trying to get use to the loss in the house. And honestly the quiet. We were so use to Libbie's time schedule. Her snoring, her coughing, her barking and how we set clocks to take her out very regularly. Chica now looks at us as if to say really... out again? I don't have to go but alright.... 

Pretty old puppy ... love her. 

End off today with Hubby's roses - WOW they are all popping with color. He kept asking did you show these? What about these? They are all gorgeous - but had to only pick one photo for today ...

He gave me a funny look - I reminded him it is called "ANIMAL" Crackers... LOL 

I do hope you enjoyed today - Things might be calming down a little bit around here... ready for some calm spring time to get some things caught up and enjoy our fur babies more. 

HUGS and

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Animal Crackers -

Howdy - 

 Thank you all for the wonderful comments for Libbie. They have meant a lot to us - 

It has been a quiet week around the house without Libbie, we both have found ourselves looking for her and then remembering. I told Chica she was now the lead dog. First time in her 13 years that she was the boss and now the big dog bed was all hers. Libbie always made her leave it if she wanted it instead of her smaller one. So I washed everything and we stared off clean and new for Miss Chica. The next morning I got out of bed and found Chica squished in the little bed and this... 

Yes.. McLaren has now claimed the big bed. I have never seen any of the cats sleep in the dog beds. But then again... Libbie was always in control. But more than once I have come around the corner and found McLaren taking naps and sleeping in the large bed. Sorry Chica... at least McLaren will share with you at times. 

Went out and saw the guys the other day. Their pen is just stunning with fresh green grass! 

They are LOVING it and the bellies are showing proof! lol 

I would love to move Sergio into the large pen, but he doesn't get along with Patricio and Flavio too well. So for now he has to stay in his smaller private pen. He still has some nice green grass. And he is much closer for lovings and those ear scratches! And honestly sometimes a private place is nice -

Wanted to share a photo my sister sent me this month! Many of you know my nephew Tagen and years ago may have even sent him cards to cheer him up after surgery. Well he is all grown up now! Where does the time go? 

He went to the local rodeo with his class group and he just had to make sure and get a photo with the miniature donkey of course!

Looks a lot like Raffie, my smiling donkey,  doesn't he? So proud of Tagen - such a big heart and great young man! 

Now this last week we were at the Round Top Antique Show - and it has been awhile since I shared any photos of one of the booths that Hubby and I set up with our stuff for sale. So I thought this would be a great week for it since it was one of fullest booths ever! LOL

So big I had to do it in two shots!

Great stuff we have been gathering for this show! Was lots of different things for us, but fun to find! After all the hunt is most all of the fun of it right? 

Hope you all enjoyed this week  - and hope you will be back next week for more! 
HUGS and

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Animal Crackers - Celebrating Libbie

Howdy - 

 This is a hard one to write ... But I am going to try and make this a celebration instead of sad. This week we lost the leader of our family. Miss Libbie. 


There is a huge hole in our hearts. But it was time. She was old, Hubby figured it out. 15 years, 4 months and 4 days old. She was blind and the last few months pretty slow but still in charge. 

Hubby and I have been really talking about our favorite memories of her. Like the day we met her. 

 We drove almost 4 hours to "look" at a Miniature Aussie. Got there late in the evening knocked on the door and said we were excited to see her Miniatures... The lady looked funny at us and said oh I'm sorry all my Mini's are sold all I have now is a couple of Toy Aussies. TOY? Flashes of Paris Hilton and dressing up dogs.... I wasn't sure about that. They came around the corner with her.... tiny thing in one hand. I'm not sure... we were use to full size Border Colllies. But I looked over at Hubby and I knew we were buying a puppy. He was totally in love.  And honestly as soon as I held her... so was I. 

We had to wait a couple more weeks until we could bring her home. But the day we picked her up, we knew she was meant to be a member of her family. This next photo is one of my all time favorite photos..... My Manly Man and his new dog.

Beautiful Little girl as a puppy and as she grew up. 

 While she was still a puppy, despite me saying I would never dress up my dog.... we came across a Halloween costume and I just couldn't help myself. It lasted about 30 seconds. And she was not happy with me at all! 


She had it off and away from me in less than a minute and spent the rest of the day giving me this same look. I never put her through that again. It was just degrading for a dog of her standing! 

 And the puppies she gave us... oh my! She and Autie really did make beautiful babies. 


She was a good Momma. Not the most gentle and cuddling Momma all the time. But Autie was there to back her up and do the cuddling. But she did her job and was good with the puppies. All three litters she had. 

From day one she was in charge of us all. And ran the house. Well and ran the animals outside too.

We never let her out with the goats or donkeys but even with a fence between them she ran them mentally and physically. 

She watched over them... even when she lost her sight. She knew where everyone was and would sit outside and listen to them all. 


Another of my favorite photos... Her leading Autie around the yard. He was never allowed to run ahead of her, but always stayed right by her side.

Now they are together again I suppose on the other side of that Rainbow Bridge they talk about. 

I will miss her so much just as we do Autie. 

We will always love you Libbie!

Hugs and - have a blessed weekend.