
Saturday, May 13, 2023

Animal Crackers - WE LOVE YOU SCARLET!

Howdy - 

 This has been a tough week! First we have to say goodbye to our sweet lady Scarlet "Red" - 

We have been watching her close - as she was just getting weak and skinny. But the last few days she looked better, then she was gone the next morning. We will miss her terribly but it was time and she was getting really old and she won't be suffering.

She was a really adorable kid wasn't she - and since day one her personality has been outgoing and hysterical.

Pretty "Red" -

And she loved sneaking snacks through the fence. She would run off all the other girls to get all that she could.

And if not there she would stretch those lips and get her own. :0)

Such a sweet beautiful lady -

We will miss her so much -

Then the next day - we were T-Boned. Hubby's little Jeep is now part of the past. We were very blessed to not be hurt any worse that the bruises and scratches we have. God saved us and his Jeep protected us, but his Jeep suffered and gave its life - I feel so bad for Hubby... he has spent the last couple of years fixing it up and getting it just like he wanted. Now he will start over I suppose. 

Thank you so much for visiting each week- and please hug your loved ones and furry babies.
HUGS and


  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Scarlet. She will, however, forever be in your hearts. So glad you and your hubby were not seriously hurt in your accident. God was surely with you.

  2. What a terrible week you had! I am so sorry for losing Scarlet and then also your Jeep is broken. Thank Goodness you were not hurt more....
    Now it only can get better....

  3. I am so sorry, I have always enjoyed your pictures and stories of Red. I know you will miss her. The Jeep! I have a Jeep - I can relate. Sorry but so glad it protected you both. That is a scary accident. Wishing you a better week ahead! Hugs, Lori K.

  4. So sorry to hear about the loss of Scarlet. She was indeed a beautiful girl. OMG! I am so glad you and hubby are o.k. Hugs for all.

  5. Michelle snd Craig, SO very sorry to hear all of this sad news. What a God's Blessing that the two of you are not badly injured. So scary some of these stupid drivers! Your wonderful pet will be with you forever in your hearts. xoxomarty&bob

  6. So sorry to hear about Scarlet. She had a wonderful life with you but it’s always too soon when they go. Lucky you escaped the crash ok. It’s so frightening.
    I wrote my car off 12 months ago in a big storm.
    So frightening but thank God I escaped with minor damage.
    Sendinglove and prayers to everyone.
